Chapter 4: Not forgetting

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It had been two weeks since the night with Kim and Adam and they hadn't talked about it. For the past week they had ball been stuck at their desks doing paperwork waiting to catch a case. Jay was out for the morning as he went to visit the farming area were Trudy volunteered to help out. He soon got a call over the radio about reports of shots fired in a neighbourhood a few blocks out so he jumped in his car and got to the crime scene. Inside he found two little boys who had been shot so he called it in giving the unit the case. When they all arrived they spoke to Jay about what had happened. 


We all stood in a circle discussing what Jay had witnessed and what had happened. The case involved two young boys being shot and cases like these always get to me. I was doing okay until I saw two patrol officers carrying out two small, white body bags and my heart just broke. I looked down at the floor trying not to let tears fill my eyes and I felt a warm hand begin to move up and down on my arm to try and comfort me. It was Adam.

Adam POV

Jay was discussing what had just gone down and my eyes drifted to Kim I could tell she was tense as these kind of cases always really got to her. Then I saw her look down to the floor, I looked up to see the small body bags being carried out of the home. I didn't know what else to do so I put my hand on Kim's arm and began to move it up and down, I used to do this when we was together to help comfort her and to let her know that I was there for her.


It was nearing the end of the day and everyone was beginning to leave Adam saw Kim walking down to the locker room so he decided to follow. She had seemed extra out of it today and he thought it was just the case at first but then he thought it was something deeper he needed to know. As he entered the blue locker filled room he saw Kim standing at her locker in the far left corner. She was pulling out her bag and a jacket when he walked up to her, tapping her shoulder to get her attention.

Kim: "Hey"

Adam: "Hey, you alright?"

Kim: "Yeah, you know, just these type of cases really get to me and I just struggle to carry them sometimes"

Adam: "Yeah, I remember how hey used to and I know that things like that don't change and they will always effect you. I just want you to know that I am here and I am looking out for you, and if you ever need help carrying the weight of it all, call me" 

Kim didn't even know what  to say she just looked up at him, staring into those deep brown eyes that showed so much care and love. She didn't know what to say. All she could do was keep staring as if she was in a trance. She could feel her eyes beginning to get blurry with water so she looked down at the floor letting a single tear fall from her face, more quickly followed. He suddenly felt as if they had gone back a few years to when they were together and his instincts followed that feeling. He placed his right hand on the side of her face and lifted it up looking straight into those big brown eyes. More tears started to fall down her face, Adam pulled her in close to comfort her. She buried her head into his neck and placed her hands on his chest and continued to cry. He wrapped is arms around her, rubbing her arm. He felt like these weren't tears about the case it was something else but he didn't care and he still wanted to be there, for her. After a few minutes she finally stopped and pulled away, there was something that would make her feel better.

Kim: "Hey, um want to go to Molly's? first rounds on me"

Adam: "Okay sure I'll meet you there just got to finish one last piece of paperwork"

Kim: "Okay see you soon"

She turned away from him and began to walk but before she went out the door she turned and gave him one last smile. A smile that was fake and he could see it

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