Chapter 1 - Sending Away

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A women ran, holding a baby that slept in her arms. She ran into a room and closed the door, locking it. She could hear pounding on the door from the men that were chasing her. She held her baby closer and ran over to a small control panel. 

This room was special. It was made by their top researchers. Once she typed in a small code, a buzzer went off. She moved from the controls and down the stairs. She saw a small rocket, a little taller then her but not nearly as big as the others that have been made. Once she reached it, she pushed a button and a small door opened. She took the baby and placed it in. The baby's eyes opened and looked at the women. Tears started to form in the women's eyes. 

"Hush my little Mia. Mommy will always be with you." The women said and placed a bottle, full of milk, into her mouth. Mia smiled and took it, drinking the milk. The women let a tear fall and she pressed a button and the door closed, locking it. She then moved over to another panel, never looking away from her baby in the rocket, and pressed a different button and a small count down started as the dome opens and shows a harsh snow storm. She heard more pounding at the door. The count down reached zero and the rocket shot out of the room, heading to its destination. 

The women let out a small sod but turned and moved back to the main controls. She heard the door burst open but she took her fists, smashing the controls. It was easy for anyone on her plant to do. She then heard guns pointing at her and she looked, seeing a purple titan walking up to her. 

"Thanos." She said, wiping her face.    

"Eira. Where is she?" Thanos asked. She glared at him. 

"I sent her away." Eira said proudly. Thanos looked at her before he grabbed her by the throat. Eira did not not fight him. 

"You did what?" He screamed. He then throw her. She hit a wall and let out a small scream from the pain. 

"I...I wasn't going to hand her over to you! She is the betrothed of Loki and she will rule over Jotunheim with him!" Eira yells. Thanos walks up to her, taking a spear and plungs in into her heart. Eira stops, unable to scream at the pain before blood falls from her mouth. Her eyes glaze over but before she falls, she smiles, knowing her daughter, Mia, is safe from his grip. 

Thanos watches as she smiles and falls. He then looks up to the sky.

"Lets follow the rocket. Once we have her, we can collect the stones." Thanos says and turns, walking back to his ship. Frost giants ran in after they left, but all that was found was Eira's blood on a spear. Her body had disappeared. 

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