Chapter 9 - Truth

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I took a step out the the first thing i felt was warmth. It was warm to me. The snow was falling and yes, this wasn't my first time in snow but it was different. 

"See what I mean?" Loki says and walks in front of us.

"Alright. Follow myself and Thor. We are going into the capital." Loki says. We all stay close and walk. I then see the frost giants come out. I hear them whisper and a few running off. I get closer to Tony and suddenly, a man and a few other frost giants come over and stop. I see Thor and Loki stop and we all stop also.

"King Loki. You have returned." He said. Loki nods.

"Yes but please, its just Loki. I'm hoping we can hide a friend of mine." Loki says and holds his hand out. I see its to me so i walk up to him. The man gasps.

"Eira? your not Eira your...Mia?" He says and walks up to me. I don't move.

" it really you?" He asks. I look at Tony, then Loki. Loki puts his hand on his shoulder. 

"Eelk, please explain." Loki says. Eelk don't look away from me. 

"Mia. It's me. Your father." Eelk says. My mouth drops. 

"Wait, what?" Tony and I shout. Eelk moves away. 

"Please, come to my home. We will walk over a cup of ice tea." Eelk says and walks. Loki moves and puts his hand on my back, helping me move from the shock. Once inside, we sit and Eelk looks at me. 

"I was a friend of your father Loki. Laufey and I were like brothers. once he let power go to his head, we stopped being friends but before that, we made an agreement. If he were to have a Son, and I a daughter, you two would be betrothed and married, ruling our plant." Eelk said. 

Loki and I looked at each other. Eelk smiled.

"It seems you two like each other. I'm happy but that was broken when you killed your father Loki. You see, Thanos found out about our daughter." Eelk said and looked at me. 

"He found out that you were born from the soul stone." Eelk said. Thor stood. 

"That is impossible. The soul stone only appears when a sacrifice is made. How can one be born of it?" Thor asks. Eelk looks at him.

"Because my wife went there. We found out that Mia here was...was a still born. My wife, Eira and i took my ship and went there." Eelk said. Everyone was silent.

"The plan was for me to die so life can be brought to her, but once we arrived, the red man said that a sacrifice was not needed. He said that the child in Eira was not a still born, but she did not have a soul at all. That's when we saw it. A bright yellow light that floated down from the heavens. The Red man took it." Eelk said and paused. 

"Please...Please continue." I say. Eelk looked at me and gave a slow nod.

"He took the stone and looked at Eira. He held it to her and said, take it. Eira was so brave and she did. That's when the stone turned into a yellow mist and sank into Eira's skin. She then grabbed her stomach. I put my hand on her stomach and felt movement, then a kick." Eelk said and looked at me in the eyes. 

"Your kick. The red man then smiles, and turned to dust. After you were born, we knew you were special. A month after you were born, Thanos came, looking for the stone. Eira sent you off in a rocket. She lost her life." Eelk starts to cry.

"We never found her body, but we found her blood. My wife dreamed of being a mother and she lost that because of Thanos." He then looked back at me. 

"What ever you need, we will help." Eelk said. I wipe my tears from my face. I might not have known my mother, but hearing how she gave her life for mine...I stood.

"We will kill Thanos for what he has done to you and mother." I say. Tony, Loki, Eelk and everyone smile at that when someone runs in. 

"Sir! Thanos's ship was spotted!" He yells. Everyone stood.         

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