Chapter 4 - Information

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I aim at the target and fired. It hit and I heard clapping. I looked and smiled. 

"Tony!" I screamed and dropped my bow and quiver, running over to him and hugged him tight. He laughed and hugged back.

"Hows my little sister?" Tony asked as he let me go. 

"Good. Are you hear because Thor is coming to earth?" I asked. Tony gave a nod.

"Yeah, but also because I believe its someone's birthday tomorrow." Tony said and help out a wrapped box. I smiled and took it. I just turned thirty-three and Tony was now forty-three. 

"Thanks Ton-ton." I say, using his old nickname and open it. Inside was a necklace. It was a beautiful purple.

"Oh My God Tony. It's beautiful." I say and he takes it and puts it on.

"I thought you might but that's not all. You have been spending so much time at S.H.I.E.L.D that I thought it would be good to get you out of here. I'm kidnapping you when Thor leaves." Tony said. I smile as he hugs me. He always did spoil me.

"I'm afraid the napping of kids will have to wait." We hear and look, seeing Thor walking in. He had a man behind him. I let out a blush as our eyes meet and i see a small spark in them. He looks a bit taken back when he looks into my eyes but doesn't look away 

"Ah, Thor. Nice to see you. Who's this?" Tony asks. Thor looks.

"My little brother, Loki. He is the reason why we are here. Is the leader of Fury here?" Thor asks. 

"I'm hear Thor and again, Fury is my last name. How can I help you?" Nick asks as he walks in with Clint, Steve, Natasha, and Bruce. Thor looks at Loki. Loki takes a step up and breaks the eye connection we had.

"Someone is coming. They will kill everyone till he find what he wants." Loki says. Thor grabs his shoulder. 

"I thought we agreed to say it gently." Thor says. Loki looked at him.

"I did. Was I shouting?" Loki asked. Thor thought and smiled.

"True and no. Good job." Thor said, patting his back. When he looks at everyone, we look shocked. 

"Wait, wait, wait. who is coming and why?" Natasha asks. Loki looks at her.

"A man named Thanos. He told me he was looking for a girl who came from space." Loki said. I saw all eyes go on me. 

"Wait, what? Why me?" I ask. Tony get closer.

"I'm not sure. He only told me that much. Once he did, I left, letting him know I will head to earth to look. What he didn't know was I am helping my brother." Loki says as he looks at me. I blush when I see him and look away. 

"Yes, My brother is an amazing spy. It comes with his Jotunheim blood." Thor says. Loki laughs.

"Yes well, when father told me, I was shocked but now I understand why he took me." Loki says. Thor smiles.

"Yes that's good but maybe a time and more information might help us." Nick says. Thor's smile drops.

"Yes. Come, let us talk in the room of meetings." Thor says. 

"It's called a meeting room." Nick whispers.   

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