Chapter 3 - Sticking Together

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I sat there, tears running down my face as my brother Tony, talked about our parents. They both were found in a car crash. They didn't survive. It was a blur to me but Tony's hand on my shoulder made me snap out of it. I only then saw it was over.

"I'm here Niki." He said. I stood and hugged him. I was eleven now. Tony was twenty-one. Tony hugged me back, holding me. 

"It's OK Blu." Tony said, using my nickname. I held him tighter. Tony moved and picked me up. He would always pick me up. He then walked out and put me in the car. 

"Take us home." Tony said. The drive gave a nod and drove. 

It took me years to get over their deaths but it was harder when I thought Tony died. Pepper. Tony's assistant, helped me, but it was still hard. Tony wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend. When he came back, I couldn't be happier. I helped him make his suit. I wasn't as smart at Tony, but I was good with weapons. Maybe that's why after Tony announced that he was Iron man, the man named Nick Fury approached us both. 

"Starks." Nick said. I hid behind Tony. 

"What do you want? I'm not letting you hurt my sister." Tony said. Tony always said that when someone he doesn't know come up to us. 

"Relax. I'm hear to walk about a...Job for lack of a better word." Nick said. He then walks up, looking at Tony's suit. 

"This is impressive. I was told that you helped with the weapons." Nick said, looking at me. I didn't say anything, nether did Tony. 

"You ever shoot a bow?" He asked. I shook my head. Nick pulled out from behind him and tossed it over. Tony caught it.

"How did you do that?" I asked, stepping out from behind Tony. 

"I plan." Nick said. I look at Tony, seeing him looking over the bow.

"Who are you? Who are you really?" Tony asked. Nick sighed. 

"Nick Fury. Leader and founder of S.H.I.E.L.D.S." Nick said. I reached and took the bow.

"Go ahead. A friend let me borrow it." Nick said, walking over and held out an arrow. I took it slowly. Tony gave a nod and whistled. Some of his robots brought up a dart broad. I looked and took aim. I remember movies with them, so I just copied what i saw. I then fired. 

I missed, hitting one of the robots. I jumped at that and froze. Tony took the bow. 

"It's OK Blu, I can fix him. Now Nick, you may leave." Tony says. Nick took the bow.

"Not yet. Tony. Blu. I have..." "My name isn't Blu. Only Ton-Ton calls me that." I say. Nick looked at Tony. 

"Ton-Ton?" Nick said. He glares.

"I happen to like my nickname, thank you." Tony said.

"Right, well, whats your name then?" Nick asks. I smile. 

"Niki." I answer. 

"Well Niki, Tony. I have a propitiation for you both." Nick said. I felt Tony's arm go on my shoulder. 

"And that is?" Tony asked. Nick smiled. 

"Join S.H.I.E.L.D.S." Nick said and begin to explain what it is.        

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