2 - Confusion

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Of course his alarm had to go off on Saturday, he must have forgotten to turn it off again.

Mark grabbed his phone nearby the nightstand and pressed on it five times, desperately trying to hit the snooze button.

"Peace and quiet," he muttered to himself, pulling the blanket closer to his chest.

"MARKKKKKKKKK!" Haechan slammed the door opened and set his bag down on the study, already kicking off his shoes. "I'm so excited to- what the heck? Mark, why are you asleep?"

Why was Donghyuck here? It wasn't a school day. Or was it? Hold on, Monday was the 127 unit meeting, Tuesday they had the Dream unit meeting, Wednesday.....what did he do Wednesday? Was today Wednesday?

"Shit, I'm going to be late for school!" Mark screeched, throwing his covers off him and tried to find his pants since he was only wearing boxers again-

Shit, Donghyuck was in the room again!

Haechan only gave him a look. "What do you mean today is Wednesday? Today's Saturday, dummy."

Mark had his jeans halfway on and stopped, giving Haechan a look. "Then why did you wake me up?"

"Okay, first of all, you texted me last night that you were going to set an alarm at 10." Donghyuck explained. "And it's ten, I thought you were already awake, sorry to wake you, by the way."

Mark shrugged. "At least we have no school today-wait, what are we doing today again? Sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet."

Haechan pouted. "For the last time, Mark, I told you that you really need to start cutting down your caffeine habits, you're not even a senior yet." He opened his bag that he had thrown on the study and took out some boxes. "And I didn't tell you why I was coming, only to expect me."

"But whyyyyy ," Mark drawled out, eyes half closed. "I want to sleep."

"You didn't sleep at 2am, didn't you," Haechan said, setting the boxes down to put his hands on his hips ready to scold his friend. "See, this is why you always need coffee! You don't have a good sleep schedule."

"Haechan, even if you sleep over, you won't be able to make me go to sleep," Mark said. He got on his bed and sat down, still holding on to the jeans that had one of his feet in. "I'll just wait till you're asleep and then get on my phone."

"Fine, because now I'm sleeping over today," Haechan said. "And do you want to open your presents or not?"

That made Mark sit up straight. He looked over to where Haechan had set the boxes; what could possibly be in there? "Haechan, why did you get me presents, it's not like it's my birthday or anything?"

Haechan grabbed them off the floor and sighed. "Mark, you literally gave me bracelets yesterday, and no, I've had this gift planned since last week, I didn't copy you. And maybeeeeee...." Haechan put the big boxes on Mark's bed and took out an envelope from his jacket. "If you read the card I wrote you'll understand."

Mark sat back down on the bed, forgetting for a minute that he still had only boxers on. He grabbed the envelope and wanted to laugh; it was red but Haechan had hand drawn a bunch of random symbols on it; a balloon, congratulations! In english (spelled correctly, Mark noticed), stars everyone-

A heart.

Mark opened the envelope and pulled out the card; it wasn't the type of ones you buy from the store, no, this was also handmade. Haechan had folded a piece of cream-colored cardstock and had drawn a handful of stars on the front with Congratulations! again in big bold letters. Donghyuck had a really steady hand, compared to Mark who couldn't sit still most of the time. And panicky. Yeah, Mark was always panicking.

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