Chapter Seven

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When I woke up for school that Monday everything seemed to be the same. Except it was my birthday. Damballa of course knew about that even though I didn't tell her anything.

"Finally, you're awake!" She gave me a hug as soon as I opened my eyes. It was strange seeing her in such a good mood. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you, but please don't start... I don't like making a fuss about it."

"How can you not? That's why birthdays exist! I can't believe you're only 18 years old! That's so little. Can you imagine you only got like 80 years left tops? That's insane!" She was always concerned about how little time we have left together and considering that even my entire life would be like a minute to her I was afraid how much longer she would stick around.

"I know, tell me about it." I stood up and stretched.

"You don't look older to me than you were yesterday thought..." She closely observed me. "Could it be that you're broken?"

"I age slowly day by day."

"Oh, so I should stay much longer to see any change happening..." She started thinking about something and suddenly cheered up again. "Wait, I have something for you!"

She pulled a big present from between the end of my bed and my closet and I was surprised I didn't notice it was there.

"I told you I don't like these things..."

"But I do. I never celebrated a birthday."

"Why not?"

"Well... Because it's not really such a big deal for us, you know. You only get a few. And I don't even know when I was created..."

"You can have my birthday then. I don't want it either way."

"Just open the present. I can't wait to see your reaction!" She was excited.

I tare up the paper and saw that it was a large photograph of me and Damballa standing next to each other in my room. It seemed like we were smiling at the camera but we never took a picture together. Even if we did I doubt she would be visible on it.

"Wow..." I stared at the picture. This is gonna start so many questions from whoever enters my room. She was a young woman at the picture dressed in a red dress and black heels smiling while we were hugging. "I don't know what to say..."

"Do you like it?"

"Oh, of course I do! It's... amazing. But don't you think my parents are gonna be curious about who you are if they see the picture?"

"Do you think this wasn't a good idea..." She wasn't that excited anymore.

"No, it's great. Thank you. I only think that..."

"Happy birthday, sweetie!" My mom came in and hugged me. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine, mom, I need to go brush my teeth."

"Wait, what's this?" She was curious and looked at the picture. "This is you... And who is this woman next to you? This was taken in your room..."

"Oh, that's... One of my teachers."

"Really? What was she doing in your room? When did she come here? Why do I not know anything about that?"

"Because... I didn't think it was that important to tell you... I mean, she was just giving me lessons."

"You didn't think that was important? If that's not important, I don't know what is." She rolled her eyes while leaving the room. "Your breakfast is on the table. Have a nice day!" I heard she went outside before I was able to say anything back.

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