Chapter Two

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Pic is of Sienna Katrina Dominique

Mathayus's POV

My heart was racing wildly, threatening to almost pump out of my chest, as the car raced down the narrow cobbled streets of Prague. Jeremy and I had rushed aboard my private jet the instant we received the news, neither of us having any time or any focus to pack a single thing, and Natalia had thankfully been very cooperative. She was at present nestled safely within my arms, gently tracing the tattoo of the fancy black rose inked onto my left forearm, blissfully unaware of the horrible happening. Sienna and her family had already arrived in Prague a day before, though she was admitted into the hospital only this morning after she was caught in a motor accident while on her way to meet a friend who was settled here. The receptionist at the hospital was completely freaked out when two grown men accompanied by a tiny baby came thundering towards her to frantically enquire about the room number of Sienna Dominique. 506 it was, and when we showed up in front of the specific door, the first person I walked up to embrace was Phillip. Sienna was the love of his life, she truly was. So much so, that their relationship often made a man as impenetrable as me slightly yearn for a bond as beautiful as theirs. The fact that that unfortunate man had had to witness the gruesome sight of his dying wife must have been too awful to even imagine for a person as inexperienced as me in the true love department. "How is she?" I asked once I pulled away from him and he sniffed once; eyes still red and puffy. "She's fine." He croaked out in a hoarse voice. "Out of danger and should be up in another hour or so. But." My brows stitched together. "But what, Phillip?" He looked straight at me and the tears returned. "She was pregnant. Neither of us knew yet, and the doctors found out only today. But it's gone. The baby's gone." I sucked in a sharp breath and stepped away, clamping a hand onto my forehead in an attempt to stabilize myself after the blow of the terrifying revelation. Jeremy, who had placed Natalia next to her two cousins who were sleeping peacefully, sprawled out on the waiting chairs, collapsed to his knees and threw his head back against those same chairs; tears silently streaking his cheeks. "She didn't deserve this." He whispered, crestfallen. "My sister didn't deserve this." "Oh, what's the big deal?" My ears perked at that familiarly annoying voice and we all shifted our gaze in the direction of the source only to find, much to our dismay, Brittany Castellanta strutting towards us while swinging her hips in her regular runway ready stride. Her mini red dress hugged her curves a bit too much to be classified as sexy, while her face was caked in the hues of every expensive beauty product she owned and her heels loudly clicked in the silence of the deserted hospital corridor. Here we go again. Just the person we needed at this time of sorrow to rub the salt into our wound. That was it. She was simply here to rub the salt into our wound, or more specifically my wound, because she didn't actually care about Sienna. Never did, and never will. I curled my hands into fists when I recalled how she had termed a fucking miscarriage as no big deal, probably because she didn't care even if she had ever been subjected to one. "You can always create another baby so easily." She displayed the audacity to continue and then even pass a seductive smirk at Phillip. Yes, the man who was literally struggling with everything that had transpired with his wife a mere few hours ago and was also literally her son-in-law. "Especially when you have to make that baby with a hunk." She stepped closer to him, their chests nearly touching, before disgustingly growling at him in a playful manner after which she shifted her attention to Jeremy. Her eyes softened and her smirk melted into a smile. "Oh, Jeremy-" "Leave me alone." He cut her off before she could utter a single word and her face instantly fell. I sighed inwardly. As much as I loathed my stepmother, I did sympathize with her a bit given her son's cold treatment towards her. I would be shattered if Natalia ever disowned me like that. The bitch released a soft sigh and turned on her heel, asking me of my father's whereabouts. "Wait, he's here?" I raised a brow and glanced at Phillip who nodded in an absent-minded manner. "He was the first one to request to see her after me. And he's still in there." He gestured at the frosted glass door behind him. Now both my brows rose, for I was completely baffled by how Enrico Castellanta was showing even a pound of affection towards the daughter he had indirectly disowned a long time ago. Brittany scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest. "Pathetic. He had promised to take me shopping today." Jeremy snapped and shot up to his feet before the rest of us could utter a single word, and downright glared at the woman who had given birth to him. "Will you stop thinking about yourself for one goddamn moment, you fucking bitch?!" He yelled right in her face, startling all of us, though Brittany quickly covered up her amazement with anger. "How dare you speak to your mother that way?!" She yelled back, though Jeremy only snorted and rolled his eyes. "How dare you call yourself a mother? All you ever did was give birth to me, and then you left me be like I was nothing. Like I was not the same living creature you had carried around in your womb for nine months. But Sienna? She was not even biologically related to me, yet she was always the only mother I had ever known. And now, now she's-" His voice cracked and he broke down into tears, clutching onto my coat as I gently rubbed his back to soothe him the best I could. Brittany's jaw had dropped to the floor, and she was fully rendered speechless, until the frosted glass door creaked open and out stepped none other than Enrico Castellanta.

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