Chapter Four

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Pic is of Natalia Faith Castellanta

Mathayus's POV

"Daddy!" I tore my gaze away from my laptop the second I heard that familiar youthful voice, smiling broadly as the little owner of that voice expertly jumped into my arms and kissed my cheek hard. I loved my baby girl so much it was hard to describe, and I knew she loved me the same. The door to my office creaked wider and in stepped my personal assistant, looking as sexy as ever in her blood red blouse and tight black skirt, while carrying a small Frozen backpack on one shoulder. I gulped slightly, never having felt what I sensed for a woman in my entire life the way I felt for Nicole in three short months. "Daddy?" I mentally sighed in relief when my daughter pulled my attention away from that delectable body, and I smiled at her, asking her to continue. "Ice cream." I chuckled and ruffled her soft brown locks. "What's the magic word?" "Pleeeaassee!! Please please please please please!" "Absolutely not!" We both started at the stern voice of Nicole and turned to face her, my fists slightly clenching when the light shining in my baby girl's eyes dimmed down to a dissatisfying level. "I know there was a Founder's Day celebration at your school today, young lady." Nicole set the backpack down on the couch. "Wanna tell your daddy about everything you've already eaten today?" Natalia giggled mischievously and proceeded to inform me about all the chips and the pizza and the ice cream she had enjoyed while at school itself, due to which my fists quickly unclenched and I shook my head in amusement. "Do you want a cavity in your tooth, pumpkin?" I propped her higher in my arms and bumped my nose against hers. "Cause then we're gonna take you to the dentist and you'll never be able to eat chocolate again." I smirked. "Or ice cream." "No!" Poor girl looked legit scared and I couldn't help but laugh at her innocent fear while she pointlessly punched me in my forearm when she realised that I had simply been messing around. But on a serious note, as much as I relished spoiling my princess, I was not about to compromise with her health. Playing around with her a bit more, I finally glanced up to find Nicole patiently standing by my desk, smiling broadly. How I loved that smile. My heart hammered against my chest when my brain registered just what I had thought, and I inwardly shook my head. I was the mighty Mathayus Castallanta. I was not one up for useless burdens like feelings or love that could pull me down. But of course, the very face of my baby was too hard to resist. "Sir, you have a meeting in thirty minutes." And there she succeeded in making me weak again, upsetting me that she behaved so formally with me yet so informally with my child. It was true. I myself had found it surprising how Natalia had so quickly warmed up to a complete stranger from the first day itself, especially a complete stranger who was my P.A, since she had not exactly had the best of an experience with my previous P.A. I had personally ensured that that whore had suffered a slow and torturous death for daring to raise even a single finger on my little angel. But there was something different about Nicole. Something lovable. Something motherly. For Natalia at least, who had never had a true mother in all her three years. Sienna too couldn't keep visiting all the time since she had her own boys, and now girl, to raise. Though she could keep pestering me all the time that given my personality and preferences of work in particular, my Nat needed a mother in her life. As if. Any woman who ever crossed me would only act all sweet and affectionate in hopes of acquiring my wealth, and even a child as young as Natalia knew that by now. And then again, there was Nicole. Never once had that female tried to seduce me or indulge in any other shit like that the entire time she had been working for me, always choosing to remain engrossed in her own duties; a trait which made her far more efficient for her post than even my entire board of directors who simply couldn't keep their judgmental noses out of other people's business. I knew I had been right to hire her, and not just for my own schedule, but for Natalia's too. She would regularly be updated with my daughter's school timings, meal choices, nap hours; sometimes even more than I would be which would undoubtedly push me to feel jealous. But I was happy that she cared, and so did Natalia. The two were as close as could be, just like Sienna and I had always been, which would again make me jealous but joyous too. What a bittersweet emotion. Natalia yawned softly and Nicole looked down at the watch strapped to her left wrist. "Nap time." She whispered and held out her arms in an embrace, which Natalia gladly jumped into after leaping across my desk. I had fired the nannies long back; Bethany because she didn't know how to work and Mrs. Kunkle because she understood my concern for my pumpkin's safety. However, she was still too tiny to be left alone at home, which was why I had my chauffeur drop her off at my office everyday after school. Then she would stay the whole day on Saturday, playing around or watching movies in her personal bedroom that I had gotten built next to my office, or sometimes even go hang out with some other kids in the creche. Sunday would be our "Daddy Daughter Day", or as she liked to term it, DDD. My focus returned to the present as Natalia's head lolled back on Nicole's shoulder the instant she jumped into her embrace and I tapped my fingers on my thigh, silently watching the woman carry my baby to the single brown door by the bookshelf that led into her personal bedroom while contemplating how my princess had come to trust her so easily. How I had come to trust her so easily. I hated these butterflies I detected at the bottom of my stomach every time I would look at my personal assistant, but I loved them at the same time too. Jeremy would tease me so bad if he saw right me. My fingers tightly clenched my thigh when Nicole walked back in and flashed her professional smile at me, much to my dismay, since she always ensured to keep her exquisite genuine smile reserved only for Natalia. Had to give it to her. She was obviously quite passionate about kids. "Sir, you have a meeting in thirty minutes with the CEO of Limeworks." I raised a brow, disgusted. "Limeworks?" I scoffed. "Why did you even set up a meeting with them? You know I don't deal with withering companies." Nicole pursed her lips, and I felt myself getting hard for perhaps the millionth time since the first time I laid my eyes on her sexy ass. Damn, that girl didn't even know what she was doing to me. "Sir, they have offered you sixty per cent of their profits if you help them recover their losses." Now the deal sounded interesting. I knew my efficient P.A would never set up a meeting or something that would waste my time. I nodded once, fully satisfied that she had agreed to the proposal, following which she continued to belch out the rest of my schedule until she arrived at the point of a business party I had to attend at eight. Her eyes shimmered when she read that out, and she passed me a hopeful glance. I smiled softly. How I had come to trust Nicole so easily that I freely left Natalia without any worries at her place when I had to brief parties or gatherings I wasn't all that interested in. "Ms. Parker, could you please keep Natalia with you while I'm gone to the party?" "Yes, sir!" I cocked a brow at her enthusiasm, but didn't say anything and ordered her to make me a refreshing cup of coffee before I had to leave for yet another excruciating signing of a deal.

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