Chapter Eight

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Pic is of Dimitri Malysheva and Lily Loraine

Natalia's POV

"Did you guys have fun?" I asked my parents, feeling happy to be back in the familiar surroundings of our own house and in Daddy's warm embrace. "Yes, pumpkin." He answered and kissed my forehead while Mommy shuffled her hands around in the large suitcase placed a few feet away from us on the bed. "We also bought some things for you." She smiled at me and I grinned right back, excited to see what they had bought. My favourite had to be the outfit of the light blue Frozen top along with the dark blue denim skirt. "This would've looked so good if I were in Dwisney World right now." I said to myself, but my parents heard me anyway and smiled gleefully. "That's why I bought it." Mommy spoke. "We're going on a family vacation to Disney World tomorrow." My eyes bulged and I stood up on the bed, jumping up and down as I repeatedly asked Mommy and Daddy if it was true and if we really were going to Disney World tomorrow. "Yes, princess." Daddy finally caught hold of me and made me sit down on the bed, though my feet were still fidgeting in excitement. "Will Twitter go with us?" The puppy raised his head when I mentioned his name and leaped from the floor on to the bed. "Of course he will." Daddy pecked my nose, which always caused me to giggle for some reason. "I've made arrangements for all of us to go." "Yay!" I hugged Twitter tight, probably startling him, though he still licked my nose and I giggled again. "But it's an early morning flight." Mommy warned and my face fell. Now I knew I'd have to go to bed early. "But, Mommy!" I whined loudly and fell back on the bed. "There's no way I can sleep tonight. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to-" "Sleep." I gulped when Mommy used her stern mommy tone. "All of us. Now." I looked at Daddy but he only shrugged once and tucked me in under the covers beside him. Twitter cuddled in next to me, and Mommy lay down next to him, and then Daddy wrapped his big tattooed arms around all three of us. And I realised with a smile that when I was with my family, I would always be at peace. Meaning I could always go to sleep.

Mathayus's POV

"So precious." I murmured and brushed a few stray strands of hair away from Natalia's face before leaving a feather kiss on her cheek, after which I patted Twitter as well. Nicole smiled and blew a kiss at me, which I pretended to catch in the air with my fist. "I can't believe we survived an entire week without these two balls of light around us." I chuckled, fully agreeing with my wife. "At least we still had each other." I intertwined our fingers over the peacefully snoring bodies of the babies between us. Then I raised her fingers and sensually kissed each one of them, smirking as her cheeks tinged red. "And now we'll be together on a family trip for another whole week." I kissed the inside of her wrist, slightly surprised at how she still managed to nod at me instead of just passing out already. I hadn't spared her even once throughout the entire duration of our honeymoon, bending her to my will in every possible way I knew of. And she never protested. Never failed to be a good little wife. I finally let go of her hand, leaning over to kiss her lips which was a gesture she returned with an equal amount of love and passion. "Get some rest. You need it." I whispered after which I pulled away and returned to my side of the bed, at which she nodded and smiled at me again. "So do you." What an understatement. I had no time for rest. I had already missed out on one whole week of work and I needed to patch up things right now before I went off the reserve again. I wasn't as such worried about Casta. Corp or my other conventional business companies. The employees there knew better than to disappoint me. No. The mafia business was what mainly had me worried. I had never had to be concerned about any competition before, since no one ever dared to cross me. Yet now someone had, and he was rising too fast for my liking. He had already blown up several of my warehouses and auction centers and many other crucial strongholds that were basically the pillars of my impressive palace in the mafia underworld. Without those pillars, that impressive palace would crumble to dust. Other than that, he had also established numerous wealthy business enterprises that were hitting the Castellanta Group with a tough competition. However, the worst part of this entire new fiasco had to be that this he, the first and most dangerous rival I had ever encountered, was a boy. A mere child of fifteen, more than half my own age.

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