Cliche 27//. That feeling's called love, dumbass

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I don't need nor want to speak about this right now. Just see for yourself:

"Amy put her phone down grinning widely. He was so handsome, with his chocolate curls and piercing blue ORBS. She couldn't wait to see his gorgeous face the next day in class. Wait - why did she feel this way?"

That, my dear Amy, is called having a crush on someone.

Why does every single romance story or fanfiction here have that one line that goes something like this: "wHy Do I fEeL tHiS wAy-"

Like I'm sorry have you become 3rd grade me? Like 'I don't know what this tickle in my throat is but I don't feel so good- oH I threw up, huh, the more you know.'

No but true story. Okay, but seriously why does this SINGLE LINE exist? Like I see that, I click my sad little back button and report that ish. It ain't flyin'. Nasty.

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