Cliche 31//. "Adopted By" Fanfics

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Big no-no warning to all the fangirls. Don't read this if you're gonna get triggered.

I don't read fan fiction, and frankly, I never have. I remember 4 years ago when I tried reading them and literally couldn't get through one. There's just something about them that just makes them hard to read for some people.

Maybe it's the fact that literally every character in an adopted fanfic is an emo teenager with a bad childhood with two friends and terrible medical history... which also turns out to be a majority of our population.


"I heard a knock at my door and it began to open, revealing, oH wHaDdYa KnOw, It'S gErArD wAy, My FaVoRiTe SiNgEr! 'Oh my god, y-you're Gerard Way!' I stammered."

Gotta remember the stutter, guys. We love a good q u i r k y stutter. Okay but on a serious note that character would literally be me.

But the idea is really cool! I mean, what are the odds that you'd ACTUALLY get adopted by your idol, right? I mean, that'd be really, really cool!! So I see where it's all going, and the general idea of it.

I just think that these stories are SO cliche now. You don't see anyone getting adopted by, like, a magical creature or anything. Hah, that would be funny to see, as like a comedy story.

"I opened the door. 'oh-- o-oh my god.. you're a unicorn!!"

I mean, I guess there's a reason for that now that I think about it. It wouldn't be a fan fiction, now would it?

But I think a bigger problem is, once the main.. thing happens, you know, where they get adopted, random things just happen. I guess it wouldn't be a real story if they just got adopted by Harry Styles, the end, yada yada, so I can definitely see the purpose of extra things. But how are you gonna end the story once the main character has had all these random things happen? Like, cool, we don't care what color you dyed your hair on March 2nd. Literally no one.

I think it would actually be pretty cool if someone got adopted by, like, an elf from a magical dimension. Idk, just me. I may be the only one here but I don't give two fucks about getting adopted by Thomas Sanders, sorry.

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