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Y/n sat on the opposite side of Nagisa's chair, technically not with the rest of the group since there were no more seats there. She felt lonely, but shrugged the feeling off. It wasn't exactly a new feeling for her

Off of the train, Y/n stood on the bridge with the rest of her group, taking pictures of the water as the others talked. No one was acknowledging her, and she was rather fine with that, just walking behind the rest. She put the camera up as they walked into an alleyway, deciding there was nothing worth taking pictures of. 

They got cornered by others, and Y/n sweat-dropped. 

'Koro-Sensei was right after all'

"What did I tell you, to hell with them. Without any witnesses it's basically a free for all, so go nuts!" Karma got the best of two of the guys, but the guys ganged up on him and kicked the shit out of his back.

'How ironic'

Y/n was fighting for herself, but the guys were ganging up on her, Kayano, and Yukiko, just as Koro-Sensei had warned her. They were taken away to a guys car, and off to an abandoned building.


Y/n didn't pay attention to Yukiko's backstory. She caught that she used to party or something, but that was it. Something Kayano said pissed them off, and one of the guys lifted her from the ground and threw her on the couch behind the three girls. 

"Speak of the devil, my photagraphy guys are here," Y/n's face went red, knowing what that meant. But it wasn't the photographer. It was Nagisa, Tomohita, and Karma. For the first time, Y/n was relieved to see Karma, specially because she knew that he could fight. Koro-Sensei showed up right after the three, taking over the fighting as the boys untied the three girls. Karma took to untying Y/n, even though she was the one he wanted to tend to the least. 

"Thank you... Karma," Karma looked up to the girls face, seeing how her face was red. "Koro-Sensei said this would have happened if I was alone and didn't join a group, I guess it happened anyway, huh?" Y/n's eyes started tearing up, but she didn't let tears fall. "If I wasn't in a group... Who knows what they would have..." The ropes fell from her hands, and she looked down, rubbing her wrists.

"Hey," She looked up at Karma again. "Shut up. You're fine, so there's nothing to worry about. We would have gotten you back no matter what. I don't let anything happen to my classmates," He got up and started to walk away, but stopped. "Don't read into it," He said before walking again, leaving the building. 

Y/n couldn't help but read into it, and her cheeks stayed red, but not for the reason they were before


Y/n normally wouldn't cry about anything. She is very emotionally strong. Yet, she has a fear of being sexually used or exposed for reasons that will be revealed later in the book. That is why she cried when she thought about what could have happened with the men

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