Valentines Confessions

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As the Japanese version of Valentine's Day approached, the day when the girls confess to the guys with chocolates and other gifts, Y/n's stomach felt more and more queasy. She watched from affar as her classmates talked about chocolate recipe's and the other gifts they were going to give their secret love, and how they were going to confess. Y/n never enguaged in such conversations, or even stood on the sidelines of her group as they spoke like she usually did, afraid that someone would ask her if she was going to confess to someone.

If you asked her a few weeks prior, she probably would have said yes, but everything had changed within that short time, and she ws no longer in the mood, nor did she think the person deserved her undying love. She still held that love for them. Much to her dismay, she could not get the person out of her head. He haunted her daydreams and seemed to always be where she was, she could not escape.

Rio seemed rather enthusiastic about the upcoming holiday, though she was not going to confess to anyone. She claimed she did not have a crush, but it was obvious she was lying. To anyone else, they would have believed her, but Y/n knew better. Though, unlike Rio, Y/n chose to not pester her to spill the beans and let it be as her own thoughts ran frantically in her head.


"I'm so excited to see young love bloom!" The yellow blob of a teacher cried as he slithered his way in the classroom. No one paid much mind to him as they continued chatting away, in their own love sick worlds. "Y/n, why aren't you joining in on the fun?" Y/n's eye twitched in annoyance,but she refused to look up at the teacher as she conitnued doodling in her notebook.

"How is gushing about someone that will only hurt you in the end fun?" The teachers face drained of color at her question, and she continued when he didn't slither away from her desk. She sighed and put her face in her palm. "It may not be like that for others, but you of all people should know what happened with me, considering how nosy you are about your students relationships," The octopus' face flared up in panic.

"I-I would never! The lives of my students outside of school is strictly their busines!" He scream whispered as to not attract too much attention from the other students. He suddenly went calm as he placed a tentacle on the girls shoulder. "But, yes, I do know what happened between you and that devil, but trust me when I say that he did not mean what he said to you. He was in the same boat as you, thinking you would never be interested in him, so he pushed you away from him the best he could," Y/n never raised her eyes from their spot on her page, and the teacher slithered away to the front of the class.

"Settle down, class. Class is now in session!"


The day came, and one by one, the students in the class made their way outside and confessed to the person of their desires.

"Kayano, why are you so red? And... You're shaking," Y/n asked as she walked over to the green haired girl, who was shivering in her seat. Y/n looked around the room and saw RIo and Karma talking with evil grins on their faces, and what was wrong with the girl in front of her suddenly hit Y/n. "Karma and Rio are teasing you for wanting to confess to Nagisa?" Kayano jumped at the mention of the males name, and Y/n sighed.

"I'm just so embarassed! I don't think I can do it!" Kayano cried as she face planted on her desk.

"You'll do fine, Kayano. He likes you, it's obvious," The girl slowly raised her head from the desk to look at Y/n.

"How do you know?" Y/n motioned her head towards a small group of people that were talking, one that had the blue haired boy in it. The boy, upon seeing Kayno looking at him, turned his head quickly with a small blush to his cheeks. Kayano looked intently in the direction he was in, before glancing back to the h/c haired girl in front of her. "Does he do that often?" Y/n nodded and Kayano sulked. "But it could be a coincidence," Y/n sighed defeatingly, deciding to leave the green haired girl to sulk.

"Rio~ Can you sceme later? I want my desk back," Y/n whined to the blonde as she approached her chair. Rio turned in the chair and patted her lap.

"Nah, it's now or never. You can sit on my lap as you wait though~," Y/n huffed and did so, making the blonde blush. Rio's arms wrapped around Y/n's torso to pull her to her chest.

"Nakamura, you mind not flirting while we are plotting?" Karma asked in a bored tone as he looked away from the physically display of affection. In actuality, he was slightly annoyed that the blonde could touch Y/n in a way and he could not. His love for the smaller girl still lingered, and he gritted his teeth as he looked away from the two girls. 

"Fine, Fine~ I'll get out of your hair, Y/n. Karma and I will scheme about Kayano's undying love~ for Nagisa later," The blonde let the h/c haired girl off her lap before walking to her own desk, sitting down as the yellow octopus of a teacher started class. Karma could not help but keep his eyes on Y/n as she looked up and down from her notebook to the teacher in the front of the classroom so she could draw but still pay attention as she did so.


Y/n watched her classmates one by one travel outside to confess their love in their own ways, and glumly looked at the ground as she stood leaning against the wall. She wanted to go home, but told Irina she would stay at the school until she was done grading papers. 

Y/n had half a mind to think that the blonde had made that excuse so she could be alone with Karasuma so she could give him her own gift, and smiled bitterly to herself. She was happy her cousin was going to be happy with someone, like she deserved but was deprived of for so long, but was also jealous that she could not have the same thing. 

"I have time for that stuff still. Plenty, in fact," She looked up at the sky sadly. "But who knows if I'll get something by the time I'm her age, though. She isn't too much older, and I have a lot of adjusting to do,"

Y/n soon saw Nagisa leaving the building, later than most of the other students, followed not long after was Kayano, who's face was pink and the look on it was bitter sweet. 

"It didn't go well, I suppose,"

Not long after Kayano had come out of the building, Y/n saw Rio and Karma emerge from behind the building. 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you two were making out back there," Y/n called out, mostly directing the comment to Rio, who she was on best terms with between the two. 

"What if we were? Jealous?" Rio smirked, making her way to the other girl, with Karma following a good ways away. Y/n faked thinking, resting her chin on her thumb and index finger while humming thoughtfully.

"I don't think so, no. I'd rather not be with someone a foot taller than me, referring to the both of you," 

"And I'd rather not be with someone who I'd have to snap my back to kiss,"

"You'd kill to kiss me, Rio,"

"My worst enemy, maybe,"

"With how close you two are, I'd say you are about to kiss," Karma broke the two's playful bickering. Rio, after smirking, leaned in a quickly pecked the girl on the cheek before leaning back and sticking her tongue out at the red head.

"I-I'd watch your back, Rio. Don't want me getting a crush on you, do ya?" Y/n crossed her arms over her chest as she rose an eyebrow, to which Rio laughed. 

"Ready to go, Y/n? We need to hurry so you can help me decide what outfit to wear for my date with the dense guy," Irina walked out of the school, looking confident in herself at having convinced Karasuma to go with her on a date. 

"Yeah, I'll see you later!" Y/n mostly directed the comment to Rio before walking away with her older cousin, smiling.

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