CH:4 Trust

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"I-I..." I was lost at words, trying to find a reason to cover up the fact that I actually knew him.

"I've been searching for you all this time! I've been send by god to help you out." It's not completely a lie. I had really been searching for him and as far as I know, god actually sent me here.

He looked at me like a girl who has some loose screws in her head. But nevertheless, he sat down across me.

"I'll explain." I told him everything from how I died to how I got here. Just leaving the part that they are manga characters. Instead, I lied to him that I sometimes get some prophecy from the god about people around him.

He didn't believe anything I said at first but I still expained everything, from his father being killed by King Il to the last chapter that I've read. He have this doubtful and bewilderment on his face. He might think that I'm dangerous.

"I don't believe in such thing as god. In first place, there is no way a god would sent a woman to me. Now tell me who you really are." His kind and gental facade is completely wiped off by now as he put on stern face. His sword pointing at my neck.

"I too, don't know the reason. When I woke up, I was in this realm and with memories of you in my head." Despite being hella scared of the weapon resting on my neck, I looked straight into his eyes.

Surprisingly, he withdrew his word back from my neck and give a big deep sigh.

"For now, please follow me back to the castle." He looks like he still can't put the pieces togther as he stepped out of the room.

I wasn't much surprised about him trying to take me back to the castle since knowing Soo Won, he'll probably keep an close eye on a suspicious person like me.

Don't worry. Because I'll give you a happy ending no matter what.


I rode on his horse, sitting in front of him as his hand was wrapped around me to hold the string attached to horse. We somehow ended up alone due to the rest being attacked by pirates and told us to leave first. And somehow, on the way, my horse threw me off and run away into the woods. Which I ended up in this certainly blessing yet uncomfortable situation.

I could feel his chest pressed against my back. My heartbeats faster and my whole face was as red as tomato. Looking down to hide my face with my hair, I suddenly lost my balance on the horse.

"Ah, careful." Soo Won said as he held my waist with his one hand to held me in place.

"Y-your highness, please release me! " I shuttered out as I can't stand the that this hot, majestic man being so close to me.

"Sorry." his tone indifferent as he said that which I was a bit disappointed. What was I expecting? This is Soo Won after all.

The horse suddenly came to halt and to my surprise, I found us being surrounded by bandits. Adrenalin kicks in as I saw the swords in their hands.

"Give us the girl and the belongings" One of them said getting closer to pull me off the horse. The sharp dagger threatening to cut my neck as they demand for Soo Won to turn in the golds and silvers.

"Mister, please let us go. We have nothing more than this." Soo Won said with his rabbit smile and teary eyes while taking off the jade necklace off his neck. The bandits searched for his whole body and on the horse to find nothing more.

"Tch. Let's go. " The one who was holding me said as he took the necklace and me away.

"Mister, please let my sister go." He said with the same expression as before. Only to be stopped by a sword cutting some strands of his hair. "Shut up if you still wish to live."

"Oh." His expression turned cold all of a sudden. "Let her go." He said with the same stern face fromm baefore as he took out a dagger from his long sleeve. He then charged toward the man holding me. He fought them so skillfully and bringing them to the ground one after one, jux by hitting them with the handle of the dagger. Just after a few minutes, he and me are the only people left standing. He might not be as strong ad Hak but he is still a well trained nobel.

He walked up to me as he hid his dagger at the same place. "They are kind of a handful bunch, aren't they? Are you hurt perherps?"

Handful? I could even kill all of them if you want. I face plammed at my own thought.

"Yeah. I'm not injur-... " I trailed off as soon as I saw a figure jumped up from behind holding a sword. My body moves on it's own accords as if it's an instinct.
"SOO WON!" I shouted as I jumped to shield with him my own body.

For His Majesty (Yandere Soo Won x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now