CH:5 Little moment

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His eyes were wide as he saw the girl who tries to block the blade aimed at him.

He acted in a flash grabbing the sword nearby and slashed the man's neck. Blood splattered all over as I watch paralyzed in shock. I knew how much I like him but pulling such dangerous stance was truly uncalled for. The look on his face tell me he have was shocked as well.

I suddenly recalled the scene where he murdered King Il as I stared into his icy cold eyes with blood all over his face. I got chill down my spine taking all the killings in that happened right in front of my eyes. Things right before me aren't a screen apart.

The deafening silence was causing me nausea as I couldn't break the eye contact with the man in front of me. Who I always think of as a precious child now surrounded by dozen of corpses.

"You shouldn't have done that." He broke the silence bringing me back to reality.

I finally looked away from the eye contact I didn't know I was holding. A small apology was all I could utter under the pressure of his uncomfortable stare.

His eyes hold the look of amusement, looking at the girl in front of him who bravely tried to protect him.

"No...You must have been scared..." He trailed off as he finally turned around and tosses the sword away.

At his gesture, I who vomit at the sight of blood felt strangely relieved. I feel sudden gush of guilt for getting scared of him for a moment. It wasn't the best atmosphere with what just happened but I took a deep breadth and tugged on his sleeve.

"I am." I answered him truthfully.

But I'm more ashamed for my mind which betrayed my intentions of acheving happy Soo Won.

"I'm very scared. It's my first time seeing a person die right before my eyes. But more than anything, I'm relieved that you're safe, Soo Won..." I heartfeltly told him with an assuring smile forced out of my tensed facial muscles. He need it more than me. The words of comfort.

He seems to be taken aback by my words as his eyes slightly widen again. Waves of guilt hit my heart for second time see this. He who was never understood by anyone and expected to be best. I approached forward to wipe away the blood off his face which he surprisingly didn't turn away. I take this as a sign that I am allowed to continue as I gently wipe all the drops of blood scattered across his face.

I was carefully taking in his appearence as I gently brush across his cheeks with my sleeves. The beautifully shaped lips which seems slightly dry, the straight perfect nose and the aqua blue eyes which stare back into into mine- my breath hitched.

I looked away immediately in embarrassment as I got caught examining his features. I take a few steps back trying to hide my tomato red face.

"Ha- ahaha." I heard a snicker from the very person standing in front of me as it developed into a laugh. My face grew redder from more embarrassment but suddenly realised that he laugh.

A genuine laugh.

It was so short that it could barley be called a laughter but nevertheless, I still made him laugh. The thought alone brought be to tears as I looked at him with teary eyes. Followed by thick droplets of tears which rolled down my cheeks heavily.

"W-wha... don't cry. I'm sorry okay? I won't laugh anymore" He looked troubled and confused at my sudden outburst not knowing how to deal with it.

"No. hic-" I tried to speak between the cry.

"hic. Please. hic." He looked at me carefully paying attention to what I was try to say.

"Laugh more like that" I managed to voiced out the last part as I stared into his aqua blue eyes with my teary ones. It showed in those beautiful eyes of his how much those words stirs something inside his heart. And those eyes were the last thing I saw before drifting off into blackness from all the gruesome things she had to take in. 

.            .            .

Soo Won swiftly caught her unconscious body until deep snores could be heard.

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