CH: 6 An Interesting girl

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The chirping of birds could be heard as the morning come. 

The room seems rather decent for people of medieval period but it's still incomparable to what (Y/N) had at her old world. 

There was a simple bed and a table with ancient stationary at the right side of the bed. Across the bed was a wardrobe, a full body mirror and vanity. 

Then there were two patio doors - one leading to the bath room and one leading outside- and a circle shaped low window which is directly connected with the palm tree garden. 

Rays of sunlight shone through the said window gently hitting her eyelids causing her to stir slightly on the bed. 

Soon after, door slide open and footsteps came closer.

"Hmm... 5 more minutes mom..."

It's already a habit for her to whine in the morning begging for more sleep before being forced out of her bed by her mom. But this time, the footsteps seems to be of more than one person and they were light unlike her mom's thunderous thumping against the floor.

Her eyes flew open as she swiftly sat up straight.

Three young woman who caused those unfamiliarities seems unbothered by (Y/N)'s the sudden action as they continued to beside her bed.

'Right..., I've transmigrated...' 

"Mi'lady, His Majesty requested for your presence. We're are here to assist you with your preparation"


'Are they going to help wearing clothes and bath? As a modern unmarried women, there is no way they'd expect me to cooperate!'

"I can do this myself. Please wait outside until I finished bath- hey! Wait!  WHERE ARE YOU TOUCHING??   NOOooo..oo...o......!!!!", (Y/N) cried out in despair as she got dragged into the bathroom by the three females. 

That day, (Y/N) had seen what bottomless pit of shame looks like.

Her traumatized form moved rigidly following where those three demonesses lead her. 

Stopping in front of a door, one of the girl informed the person inside about her arrival. 

The permission to enter was answered instantly afterwards, followed up by the former girl opening the door for her to walk inside.

The door lead her to the plum blossom garden, full of bloom palm trees. 

She didn't notice it before because of her shame but the freezing wind made her realized that garden is covered in snow. 

She was glad she's wearing a thick cloak over her dress which give her enough warmth to withstand the cold.

Under the roof of the building sat her favorite character from Akayona with him wearing fur cloak gazing into the distance. 

The sight of him sipping tea while the wind blow past his beautiful blond hair make him seem like a prince right out of a fairy tale. 

He gently glanced at her noticing a presence before him. He flashed a charming smile upon realising it was (Y/N), with no mercy, making her forget how to breathe while she felt her whole body heat up.

'T- That killer smile!!'  

"Is everything alright, mi'lady?" 

'Get a hold of yourself (Y/N)! Now is not the time to fangirl!!'  She gave herself a mental scolding and proceed to walk toward where Soo Won is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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