Preparation (Ch. 1)

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Hey y'all! Please comment below some character ideas cause I could really use some help! Thanks and enjoy!
##Kylee's P.O.V.##

     I sit up up in a tree, hidden from view by a think layer of leaves. I watch students from my school get off their bus and walk into school, chatting with their friends as they go. I spot Gina, my old neighbor, walking along with our other neighbor Leah. She doesn't remember me. No one does, not anymore.

     My breath catches as I see someone I haven't seen since the day of my kidnapping. Someone every time I think of my heart aches so much I swear it'll just stop. The one who was always there for me. The person who tried to save me when no one else would. Kayden, my best friend.

     He's gotten taller, and his hairs a little longer. His jaw line's sharper, and he's more.....muscley. he's wearing blue jeans, a camo muscle shirt and a dark green beanie. Huh, he's never worn a beanie before. I have to admit though, he looks hot with it. He'd look hot without it.

     Ok, I have to admit, I had a crush on him. I still do. I wish he liked me back. But he doesn't remember me. I set my jaw, taking a deep breath. I will get him back, I will.

~The Next Day~

##Kayden's P.O.V.## (plot twist....kind of....not really)

     I'm in math class. Everything seems normal. I'm talking with Jake about Call of Duty when the window behind us shatters. Something's thrown through the window, making white fog fill the room. By now everyone's screaming. I start coughing the gas is making me dizzy. My vision begins to blur. I feel hands pull my arms behind my back, and metal is clamped onto my wrists. Handcuffs. What's going on?

     I feel someone shaking me. "Kay, Kayden wake up! Help me Kay!" Someone screams. Kylee, I can tell by her voice. I try to open my eyes, to move even, but I cant. I'm to tired. "KAYDEN!!!!" Kylee screams. The hands are pulled of my shoulders, but not before something metal drags across the left side of my neck. Pain shoots through my body, making it jump awake. My eyes shoot open, just to see two men dragging Kylee out the window.

    I bolt awake, sitting up. My breathing's heavy, and my body's covered in sweat. I look around wildly. I'm in my room. In my bed. Safe.

    I run my hands through my hair, closing my eyes. I've been having that dream every night for a year, and I remember every moment. The gas bomb, the handcuffs, Kylee yelling...

    Kylee. She's the mystery girl. I think she went to our school a a year ago, she was my best friend. But now there's no proof she exists. It like she's never been there. No one even knows who I'm talking about when I ask them. Is she even real? I don't know.

    It's morning, so i get out of bed, walking over to my mirror. In the dream she knows me. She needs my help. I think she cuts me. I tilt my head to the right so I can see my scar. It's about 3 inches long, a straight line across the left side of my neck. I'm not sure how I got it. I just woke up one day in a hospital with my neck aching like crazy. The doctors there said they couldn't believe I survived. I guess I did though cause, well I'm here now.

I run a hand over my face, glancing in the mirror once more. I walk over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans, a black muscle shirt and a blue and black snapback. I pulled the jeans over my shorts and the shirt over my head. I put the snapback on backwards, and I grabbed my silver dog tag off my dresser and slipped on black hightops. I glanced in the mirror, pulling the dog tag over my head. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

     The clock reads 7:02. Crap, i'm gonna miss my bus. I grab an apple and run into my mom's room. "Gotta go Mom," I say, kissing her on the cheek, "Bye!" "Make good choices!" She calls as I run out the door.

   I flat out sprint to my bus stop, getting there just as the bus pulls up. "Where u been man?" My best friend Alex asks as we get on the bus. "Slept in," I reply, out of breath. He nods, going quiet. We stay silent all the way to school.

   "Dude, I've been meaning to ask," Alex says as we get off the bus, "Are you still having that dream?" I nod, looking down. "Every night." He bites his lip, looking at me. "I think you need help. I mean, you've been having this dream for a while and-" "I don't need help," I snap, cutting him off, "I need to figure out if she's real." He stops walking. "Wait, what? Who?" I roll my eyes, continuing to walk. As he hurries to catch up I say, "The girl in my dream. Kylee."

    He rolls his eyes. "Dude, get a grip. She doesn't exist, there's no proof." "Oh, so that's what everyone needs now, proof?" I say angrily, "You have the memories, Alex! Don't you remember? How she looked, the way she smiled, whenever she teased you?" He opens his mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. I shake my head, disapointed. "Oh all people, I thought you'd understand. But you dont. I guess I'll just have to find her myself." I turn away from him, pissed. Just before I walk into the school I look up. Staring at me from the trees is two piercing green eyes.

Hey yall! I hope you enjoyed so do me a favor and vote and comment! Thanks, love yall, byeeeee!

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