Mr.Mendes Part 2

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Hi y'all.  I'm kind of bored so if u could message me that would b greatly appreciated. Anyway, enjoy!


      He lunges at me, but I fire the dart gun. The blue green dart hits him in the shoulder, and he falls to the ground. Tranquilizers. Aren't they the best? I kneel beside him, pulling the dart out of his skin. "Sorry bud, " I say softly as his eyes close.
~End Of Recap~

      I stand up, brushing dust off my ripped jeans. I grab Shawn's wrists and drag him to the thick blue pipe hanging on the wall. I pull a pair of handcuffs off the pipe and cuff his wrists to it so his arms hand above his head. I feel a pang of guilt when I see how he's positioned, but I brush it off quickly. He's a worldwide star. He can suffer a little. Besides, he's currently unconscious.

      I walk over to the tiny TV and switch it on, putting it to the news channel. Sure enough, the reporter's talking about Shawn's disappearance, showing many worried magcon girls. Gilinsky appears on the screen, but I give up on watching the news.

      Taking one last glance at Shawn, I slip into the bathroom. I pull off my clothes and step into the shower, turning on the water. The heat was turned off long ago, so the water's freezing, but I've gotten used to it. I wash my hair and body and jump back out, throwing on my old clothes. I neglect drying my hair and let it hang wet down my back.

       I slip some brass knuckles on both my hands and put two pistols in my waistband. I had robbed a prison to get all these weapons, and so far they've come in handy. I only loaded the guns with blanks, but I have really bullets if need be.

      Hmm...I'm bored. Should I wake up Shawn? Nah, I should wait. I walk into the bedroom, pulling a black katana out from under the bed. My dad gave this to me for my birthday the year I got kidnapped, and I've kept it close ever since. I've been practicing fighting with it, but I'm not very good. I wish I could have some classes.

     I pull out the sword oil and walk back into the livingroom, (A/N this is where she chained up Shawn btw) sitting on the creaky couch. I pull the sword out of its scabbard and begin to oil it when someone interrupts me.

     "You know, your pretty for a kidnapper." My head shoots up. I smile spreads across my face, and I stand,  dropping the oil on the couch. "Look who's awake!" I say, walking to him, katana in hand. I drag the tip along his jawline, making him wince.

      "Mr. Mendes, isn't it? I'm Kylee." I hold out my hand. "Oh wait," I pull my hand away, squatting,  "Your my prisoner. There's no need to be nice." I slam my fist into the wall beside him, making him jump. The brass knuckles dig into my fingers, but I ignore the pain. "Mr. Mendes, have you heard of that experiment that happened around a year ago? The one in Connecticut?"

        He nods quickly, fear flashing across his face. "Did you?" I ask, "Tell me about it." "Uhh, well these men thought if they took away every piece of proof of one persons existence but left the memories, people would forget that the person existed." I nod, satisfied. "Why do you think I'd ask you about it?" He hesitated, looking down. He thought for a moment,  then looked up at me. His eyes met mine, and suddenly his mind clicked. His jaw dropped and he said, "Your that person, aren't you? The one that was taken away?"

       I look down, removing my fist from the wall. I stand up, wiping the blood off the katana and setting up on the couch. "Oh my god," Shawn gasps, "I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do to help or-" "No!" I yell, adding as much venom as I could to the words, "There's nothing you can do!" I pick up the katana and hurl it at the picture tacked up on the wall, making it go right through the man in the picture's forehead. I take a deep breath and reply in a whisper, " There's nothing you can do. I'm sorry I brought you here."

Hey y'all! I guess u guys wanted 2 read more so here it is. If u could go check out my other books, that would b amazing! Anyway thanks, love yall,

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