Bloody Daggers

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Hey yall! If u got a moment please read my Matt fanfic it only has 4 reads right now so please read it! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
##Kylee's P.O.V.##
       What was I thinking? Kidnapping Shawn isn't going to help my problems! I'm an idiot. It should be me who gets punished, not him. I turn back to Shawn, who's for some reason staring at me in concern. I walk over to the old coffee table and grab a dagger off it. I hold it above my wrist for a second, making Shawn's eyes go wide. "Kylee what are you-" I plunge the dagger into my skin, sending searing pain up my arm. "What are you doing!" Shawn yells, pulling against the handcuffs, "STOP!!!" I twist the dagger around a few times before letting it fall to the floor, making blood fly everywhere.

       Shawn stares at me in disbelief as I do to the bathroom to get a bandage. I return seconds later with a gauze wrap and the key to Shawn's handcuffs. I uncuff him from the pipe and go to fix his cut jaw when he stops me. He quickly takes the gauze from my hand and tightly wraps my wrist, covering the big gash that I made. It didn't help much though, for blood immedietly started to stain the bandage. "Get up," Shawn orders me, standing up. "Your coming with me." I do as he says, but my head spins. I would've fallen to the ground if Shawn hadn't caught me. He quickly carried me out the window and toward the street.

       "What are you doing?" I asked him, pushing weakly against his chest, "Why are you taking me with you? I just kidnapped you!" "I'm taking you to the hospital," he replies. Panic fills my chest. "No! You cant! I can't go there! They're gonna kill Kayden!" "What? Who?" Shawn asks, setting me on my feet. "Wait, hold on." He takes off his navy blue sweatshirt and gives it to me. "Put that on," he says, "Hide your wrist. We're getting a cab." I nod and let it rest in the pocket.

       "Who's Kayden?" Shawn asks as he waves down a cab. " best friend." I say as we climb in the yellow car. "Ok. Who's going know," he slides a finger across his throat, "If we go to the hospital?" "Where to?" The cab driver asks. He didn't just hear our conversation. "Hartford please," Shawn replies, "And I give you $300 if you get us there in less than ten minutes." "Yes sir!" The driver calls, stepping hard on the brakes.

       "Now who is it!" Shawn demands me, "Who said that?" "The guys who took me," I say, "If can't become another record again, it'll ruin their experiment. They said if I do they'll kill Kayden, then Jake, then Gina..." Shawn's eyes narrow, and he pulls my close to him. "Your staying with me then,  and no one will touch your friends." I smile at him weakly, cause my wrist hurts like hell. I feel hot blood soaking through the sweatshirt, and I put my other hand on it. Once I pull it away it's red. Shit. Shawn sees my hand and yells, "Scratch that, take us to the nearest hospital!" The cab squeals as it changes direction.

       "No!" I grip Shawn's arm with my bloody hand, "They're going to kill Kayden!" My head's spinning, and my eyes start to close. "Kylee!" I hear Shawn cry as I slump over onto him, my vision going black.....

Sorry guys short chapter. Please comment some character ideas still cause I need them bad! Thanks, love y'all, byeeee!!!!!!

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