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Hey y'all!! I need new characters bad so please comment ideas! Thanks as enjoy!
##Kylee's P.O.V.##

Crap, he saw me. What was he arguing about? He looks pretty pissed. I wonder what Alex said? Anyway, back to the plan.

I had swiped an iPhone 5 from a random girl before I ran up my tree so I could figure out when the next Magcon tour was. I had memorized her passcode, so I unlocked the phone quickly. I hit the Internet app and searched "Magcon tour". Their Web page popped up, and I clicked on it. Their next tour was tommorow, in Hartford. Good, that gives me prep time. With one last look at the school, I jumped out of the tree and set off to the nearest bus station.


I pick pocketed the wallet out of a random man's pocket and quickly hid in the alley nearbye. He had a few hundred dollars in it, along with a credit card and a few pictures. I yanked out the pictures, letting them flutter away with the wind. I pulled out three dollars and stuffed the wallet in my pocket just as the bus pulled up.

"Hi how much is the bus fee?" I asked the bus driver as I stepped on the bus. "It's 2 dollars." She replies, "Now who are you with?" "My dad," I say quickly, pointing at the man I pick pocketed. She nods and takes my money. Luckily, the man I said was my dad didn't hear me say he was my dad (A/N sorry if that doesn't make sense) so I won't have any problems.


I jump off the bus, pulling the iPhone out of my pocket. Hmm, Magcon should be in a building around here... oh, there it is. I stuff the smartphone in my pocket and set off jogging towards the building.

There's a huge line of girls out the door, winding down the street. Huh, Magcon starts at 5. It's 419. There's no way I'm waiting in a line. I quickly duck through the line, quickly making my way through them and to the door. The man with the tickets is busy with a girl, so I duck past him and into the room.

It's packed with girls all lined up in front of a large stage. The stage is labeled "Magcon". I see a man ushering VIP girls through a door. That's where Shawn should be. I grab a VIP pass out of a random girls pocket and walk over to the man. I hold up my pass, and he ushers me through. I walk down a short hallway into a room with a large couch where 9 boys sit.

If this were a year ago, when I was obsessed with Magcon, this would be my biggest dream coming true. But this is now, when I'm about to kidnap an innocent boy for help. Maybe I should feel guilty, but I dont. I guess I'm cold hearted. (Haha see what I did there)

I put on a fake smile as Jack Gilinsky sees me. "Oh hey, come here!" He says, waving me over. I pretend to jump with joy and run over to him, jumping into his arms. He hugs me, spinning around. He sets me on the ground and pulls me over to the other guys.

I spot Shawn almost immedietly. I somehow need to get him away from the others. I look behind my shoulder. There's a fire alarm. Perfect. I talk with the guys for a little bit, exchanging numbers and stuff. They wander away as other girls walk in, so then no one's really paying attention to me. Nows my chance. I run over to the fire alarm and pull it, setting off that loud screaming noise. Many girls scream, and the guys jump. They yell for the girls to follow them, running towards a fire exit. I feel someone grab my wrist and pull me to the door. Shawn.

God, why does he have to be so nice! He pulls me outside, and we jog along, following the crowd. I see a dark alleyway coming up that leads to the bus station. I've got to get him in here.

I pull out the gun hidden in my waistband (don't ask how I got it) and yank Shawn into the alleyway away from prying eyes. "Hey!" He says as he trips over a rock, falling to the ground facing away from me. I quickly press the gun hard into his back, grabbing his hair with my other hand. I yank his head up so he's on his knees. "Yell, I shoot one of the girls out there. You are to follow me and do exactly as I say, no questions. If u dont, someone dies. Got it?" He nods, his face pale. I can see his eyes-terrified. A pang of guilt hits me, but I shoo it away. I need his help.

I pull the gun away from his back, letting go of his hair. I step back, pointing the gun at the street. "One wrong move," I growl as he stands up, "And I shoot." He gulps and nods. I pull a pair of brass knuckles (don't ask how I get all these weapons) out of my pocket and slip them on, pushing the gun back into my waistband. I nod at the street, holding up a fist for good measure. I start walking, and he follows, me. I begin to run, and so does he. Wow, a man of his word.

I jog all the way to the bus station, arriving just as the next bus pulls up. I hop on the bus with Shawn at my heels, handing the lady 4 dollars. "I'm with my brother this time," I say, motioning to Shawn, "He's a mute." She nodds, letting us pass.

I walk to a row in the back of the bus, motioning for Shawn to go in first. He does as told, sliding into the window seat. I sit next to him, pulling out my gun. I hide it from view so only he can see it.

As the bus starts he mutters, "What do you want?" I ignore the question and demand, "Give me your phone." He hesitates, and I push the gun against his thigh. "Phone, Shawn," I mutter. He quickly pulls it out, handing it to me. I stuff it in my pocket as the bus pulls to our stop. "Get up," I growl, putting the gun in my waist band, "And put your hood on." He does as told, and we both get off the bus.

Putting a hand on his back, I lead him to a dark alleyway that leads to my home. As soon as we get out of view I pull the gun back out, shoving it to his back. I hear him wince, but I dont care. I push him along faster, until we reach the old abandoned apartment building. I point to a window. "Go in," I order. He quickly jumps through. I follow him, shutting it behind me.

I open the old dresser in the room and put down my gun. I pick up my dart gun, watching Shawn out of the corner of my eye. He's frantically trying to open the door leading to the bedroom.

"Hey, it won't open," I say, walking over to him. I turns to face me, fear in his eyes once again. He lunges at me, but I fire my dart gun. The blue green dart hits him in the shoulder, and he falls to the ground. Tranquilizers. Aren't they the best? I kneel beside him, pulling the dart out of his skin. "Sorry bud," I say as his eyes close.

Yeah, so Kylee may seem like a total asshole, but she has her reasons. This chapter sucked anyways. I'll make the next one better. Anyway please comment character ideas and vote for me please! Thanks, love y'all,

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