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Hey y'all! Happy new year! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've been busy with family things so yeah, sorry again. Also, I've decided that I will recap Kylee's story for y'all cause I'm kind of bored. Anyway, please enjoy!
##Kylee's P.O.V.##
    I sigh, looking deep into Cameron's eyes.  "Ok, well I guess I'll start with my story. About a year ago (A/N about a week ago week ago haha sorry had to) I had a normal life, not unlike yours. I had friends, a family, a house. But then, someone decided to take it all away from me."

    "Have you ever heard of experiment 320, the one from here, in Connecticut?" Cameron's eyes widen. "You don't mean-" "Yeah, that's me. I'm the girl they used, the one they erased all evidence of. Not one of my things are left, not a picture, nothing. It's all gone. All because some rich kids wanted to try something. And guess what, it worked."

     I feel Taylor go tense. "They don't remember you? Your family?" "Nope, I reply, "Not my family, my friends, no one. Even if they see my face, they still dont remember, for I'm just the street rat no one wants around." "Then," Taylor asks, "If no one remembers you, then why's this Kayden guy so important?"

    "Because he's the only one who looked like he reconized me." I don't bother to tell them the other reason. Cameron raised an eyebrow. "He reconized you?" "Well, he saw me and recognition crossed his face, so that counts right?" Cameron nodded. "Yeah, in your case, definitely."

     There was a long silence. I looked at Cameron, who was looking down at the floor. Taylor was still holding me tightly to his chest, and I didn't like it. I mean, I've been a street rat for more than a year, I'm not all that familiar with people touching me. So I squirmed in his arms, trying to release myself of his grip. And suprisingly, he let me go.

    I got off the bed and ran to the corner of the room farthest away from them, crouching down. I tried hard to pull the handcuff that was still on my wrist off, but my fingers on my right hand wouldn't move. I growled in frustration, clenching my jaw. How can I do anything with a bum arm and a handcuff around my wrist?

    "Kylee?" I heard Cameron's voice say. I turned to look at him. He was looking at me in concern, still on the bed. Taylor had disappeared from the room. "What," I mutter, just loud enough so he could hear. "I wanted to know if you wanted that handcuff off," he said, holding up the key. I nodded, holding out my left arm.

     Cam got off the bed and knelt down in front of me, taking my wrist in his hand. He unlocked the handcuff and carefully pulled it off. He then turned my wrist over, looking at it in concern. "It didn't cut you, right?" I pulled my hand out of his grip. "No."

     He gave me a small smile and looked down. "You know, we're not going to hurt you, we're trying to help." I looked up at him. "Trying to help? Your holding me prisoner in your hotel room. How is that helping?" "Well, Taylor just gave you a chance to escape, which you didn't take. And I'm sure Shawn doesn't want you to hurt yourself, and neither do I."

     "Me either," Taylor said, "I could never hurt someone like you." I smile weakly at him and look down. Why do they care so much about a girl they just met?

     "Come on K," Taylor says, smiling widely, "K, can I call you that?" I smile wider and nod. "Ok, we'll anyway," Tay continues, "You've got to be starving. When did you last have a real meal?" "A year ago," I reply, making Taylor gasp. "A year? Damn, no wonder your so skinny! Come on, get up," he walks over to me and pulls me up, "I'm gonna make you some mac and cheese and watch you eat the whole box!" That makes Cam and I laugh. Huh, living with these guys can't be too bad, could it?

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