Shopping part 1

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My dad drew this of Brian and I'm going to laugh at it forever lmao he said it looks like him I'm crying rn. Anyways you may proceed...

Jacqueline POV

"Darlings, this is our favorite shop, this is where I get all my outfits from." Freddie smiled at us.

"No, for real? Freddie what the fuck. I swear to god if this ain't real I'ma be so mad at my imagination." I looked at Freddie.

"Yup, this is real." Brian laughed and nodded, his curls bouncing slightly.

"Wait you imagine things about us?" Roger smirked, pulling into a spot and parking.

I blushed and mumbled, "Wow,
you dumbass, you exposed yourself this time."

The boys laughed, but Brian and John were blushing.

"See Jacqueline, and I get blamed for exposing you." Sam laughed as she unbuckled seatbelt.

"Why you got to be like that, I don't do nothing to you." I asked getting out the car.

"Hey your not innocent." Sam proclaimed, getting out and looking at me.

Everyone just laughed and got out the car. Brian and Freddie lead the way to the shop and everyone followed.

Roger had his arm around Sams waist while flirting with her. She was blushing hard, he had immediately won her over.

John and I were walking by each other in a comfortable silence, both smiling.

"Can I put my arm around you or hold your hand or probably not because we just meet and-" John said hand behind his neck and talking way to fast for me to comprehend.

"John," I interrupted.

He looked at me than from the foor.

"Take a deep breath, and tell me again because I couldn't under stand you." I giggled.

He took a deep breath and mumbled, "Can I put my arm around your waist o-or hold your hand?" He blushed and exhaled.

"Johnny, you can do whatever you want with me or to me." I said, seductively, looking him in the eyes.

He looked surprised, but grabbed my hand. Both of us smiled.

"Okay, love birds, this is the shop. Ta da!" Freddie directed his jazz hands towards shop.

We all walked in giggling at Freddie's action.

John and I were still hand and hand.

Freddie immediately started grabbing things off the racks.

I led John to a rack that looked like it was for men and we both started looking.

"Hey, J, what's your style?" John asked.

"J?" I questioned, picking out a shirt and scanning it.

"Oh, well... uh... I just thought it would be a nice nickname." He shrugged.

I laughed, "It is, I just wasn't expecting it. Um, I mostly wear jeans or sweat pants, a tight fitting shirt or a 2x men shirt." I looked at him.

"Really, I didn't expect that by the way you look at the moment. Not that I judged you or anything, I think I you look beautiful and I-"

"Johnny, you over think way to much relax." I tried relaxing him by kissing him on the cheek, but only seeming to fluster him.

Sorry, I need to get something out! I can't leave y'all hanging, I'll work on part two tomorrow. I have to cook dinner until next time hos.

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