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"Thank you, Sir",

although near to inaudible, she thanked the teacher in front while taking the sheet from his hands as the whole class applauded for her.

Respectful as always, Areum bowed down to the whole class and walked back to her seat.

Little did she know that there, sat someone burning with incomparable rage; Mina.

Rim Mina.


It was finally time for the usual interval. The students walked out, either heading to the cafeteria or minding their own businesses.

But there she was, solely alone.

All alone.

Leaning against the black lockers, half of her face enclosed by an ordinary mask that she wore, Areum read a book quite peacefully;

skillfully contradicting the expected bustle during the lunchtimes and that too of a damn high school.

The fallacious pretense that she thought would work out in front of Nathen, ditched her in an extremely brutal manner as she broke down right in front of him, giving her love another opportunity to be lived blissfully.

She looked up at him as he tried his best by not letting go of her ever again.

"I'm sorry, Clara. I'll protect you, I promise, my love--"

"You gotta be kidding me. Who will save you here, Kang Areum?"

"Huh?" She snapped out of her little dreamland, providing the rivals with an opportunity to push her down the wall with extreme force.

"What are you doing, Mina?"

Areum's body kept laying on the blazing cemented ground while she waited for a justification.

Seeing what Areum had to offer as a 'reaction', Mina sneered out loud; pure dismay.

"I'll make you regret everything, Areum. I hate you!"

This was totally not the consequence Areum had been expecting out of Mina's jealousy.

Bullying was something Mina was expected to disagree with as she herself, was a sufferer at some point in time.

But unfortunately, Areum's odds rushed to where they had been building upon; grieve disarray.

A loud holler ran down the main building's hallway, attracting umpteen heads.

"Everyone! She is the one who painted on the head boy's locker last night!"

The masked girl just stood there, staring off into absolutely nothing.

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Is it true, Areum-ssi? Did you paint inappropriate stuff on his locker?"

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