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"The spring prelims are not that far in approach. We need to buckle up and give it our best shot!" 

Indeed. One of the most prestigious sports championship was edging the date and the team needed a lot of improvement to level their game up. 

For someone as random as their previous coach, it surely would've been a hard nut to crack.

But with Mr. Song; the brand new coach in action, it wasn't much of a great deal. 

He was the 'one-of-a-kind' sorta person. 

"Move your asses to the court, now!" The coach yelled for the players to assemble in the court and get warmed up.

By that time, all they were up to, was gossiping gibberish; something that was strictly unacceptable on court, and that too by his players. 

 As his hoarse voice ran through the cold walls of the gymnasium, everyone's attention was now onto his fierce figure, which was ready to throw hands anytime. 

"Guys, line up quickly or get your butt whipped hard",

the team manager or the assistant coach, calmly warned the members as they slowly began jogging their way up to the center of the court, lining up as directed. 

They could see Mr. Song inhale a deep breathe for a moment before he took a firm stride, nearing the players; 

"As I mentioned earlier, the Spring Prelims are nearing. We need to work super hard on our skills if you guys want to play in the nationals this year." 

There was something about him that was just always able to glue the team together, beautifying their teamwork in a stronger way each time.

And that is why he was known to be the heartless one at school. 

But he didn't care. And neither did his team. 

"Coach, we would like to practice non-stop starting from today", their best offensive guardian, Kim Hyeran, spoke up, requesting for more hours to work on their play. 

To be very honest, not all of them were pleased with the idea.

All they wanted, was the fame and the privilege of being on the school's official basketball team. 

All they sought for, was a way to skip classes and just go on and bitch about whoever they pleased.

Mainly the team captain or the coach. 

But not anymore.

For the past few weeks, with Mr. Song in action, none of this was even near to possible.

He was a tough ass man to handle for good. 

Just then, the door swung open, revealing a panting Areum. It seemed like she had been running since last week, for some reason. 

Coming to think of it, it was the first time in the history of their team, that the team captain, a.k.a, Kang Areum, was late to practice. 

"Well, who do we have here team...!",

yes, that was totally meant to sound extremely sarcastic. And it did. 

There she was, with one of her arms resting against the door frame while the other one sat upon her thigh, as she hunched down a bit, trying to regain her momentum. 

"Looks like the captain let herself loose for the day, aye", they mocked her. 

Nevertheless was it her fault. She just got caught up with something that you wouldn't even wanna know. 

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