Part 1

40 3 4

Daniels P.O.V.

I wake up to my alarm blurring into my life. I groan.

"Why is school real!" I yell into my pillow.

I, reluctantly, get up and, through the mirror, I looked at all the brusies I have on my upper half. I yawn. Then my door clicks open.

"Rise and sh-" I see my mother enter my room. "Oh, your awake."

I nod. The older women looks at my cuts and brusies, feeling sympathy for me.

"Are you sure all that happened was a racoon." She says. "It's not that believable."

I nod once again. I don't really like speaking. No reason. I just...Don't.

"I've made breakfast downstairs if you want any." My mom says.

I look down to my toes.

"I'm good." I mumble.

My Mom understood me and left. I look outside to see dark clouds rolling in. It might rain, I think, sarcastically.

"Of course it's gonna rain." I say to myself.

I put on black ripped jeans and a black hoodie that's probably too big but oh well. I put on my black slip-on vans, grab my bag and run downstairs. I pass my brother and sister but pay no attention to them. I make sure my phone is in my pocket and yell:

"Imma go!" 

I hear a quick 'Okay, have a nice day!' As I walk out the door. As expected, water started falling from the sky. I see Jack exit his house saying:

"Alright mom. Okay bye Isla."

Isla is Jacks 7 year old sister. She's adorable. Jack spots me as he walks down his house steps. I give him a quick smile and run up to him.

"Hey!" Jack says.

"Hey." I mumble.

"Umbrella?" Jack asks.

I shake my head No. Jack sighs and starts walking. I walk beside him.

"What do you have today?" Jack asks, breaking the silence that I was actually enjoying.

I chuckle.

"I dunno." I say.

Jack chuckles. We walk into the school gates. I see Christina and immediately runs over here. She starts jumping up and down.

"Wow." Jack says. "What are you so excited about?"

"There's a new kid!" She says.

"Really?" Jack said as he looked around for an unfamiliar kid. 

"Yea!" Christina says. "I haven't seen him y-"

"It's a guy?" I ask.

Christina smirks.

"Maybe you have a chance?" Christina says, nudging me.

I shrug. I walk through the doors and immediately get shoved into a locker. I hit my face on the metal and my nose starts to sting. I have gotten used to the bulling and the name calling but the one that hits me the most is 'Cock Sucker'. I look to see my three biggest bullies; Jonah Marais, Austin Green and Cash Smith.

"Hey Cock Sucker." Jonah says.

My eyes sting, holding back threatening tears. 

"Leave him alone!" Christina yells.

Jonah smirks.

"Why should I do that, princess?" Jonah asks as he puts an arm around the 16 year old.

Christina rolls her eyes and shoves his arm off her.

"Firstly, that would be cheating." Christina states. "And you need to stop because this obviously hurts him."

"Does it look like I care?!" Jonah yells and walks away.

I glare at Christina.

"You could've got fucking hurt!" I yell at Christina.

I get up and walk to my locker. I open it and grab a few tissues out. I press the tissues down on my nose. 

"I-i'm s-s-sor-r-ry." Christina stutters.

"I-" I sigh. "It's fine. I just don't want you hurt."

The bell rings. Jack grabs me.

"C'mon Dani." My friend says. "We got the same class."

We run into class, but, with our luck, we're late.

"You're late." Our teacher, Mr Burge, says.

"Sorry." Jack and I say in sync.


We nod and sit at the back. I notice a guys with, obviously, dyed, blonde hair sitting the chair next to me.

"Okay class." Mr Burge starts. "Since its the start of year 11 and there is New people, we will be pairing up with someone we don't know and get to know them."

I look over to Jack but he already is talking to someone. The guy sitting next to me holds out a hand for me yo shake.

"I'm Corbyn, Corbyn Besson." The Blondie says.

"Daniel." I say as i shake his hand. "You're new, right?"

"Yea." Corbyn says. "Oh and my name is spelt with a 'y'."

I tilt my head.

"C-O-R-B-Y-N." He spells it out.

"Oh." Is all I say.

There was a silence until Corbyn gasped.

"What?" I ask.

"You're the guy off American Idol!"

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