1) Stabbed

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Warning: blood/gore (that's to be expected tbh) and cursing

This one has Rk1000 in it.

Connor and Hank are investigating a crime scene of what they think is an anti-android hate crime but Connor gets hurt bad and his boyfriend Robojesus helps him along with dad Hank.

Hank was busy focusing on his work, filling out, filing, or receiving paperwork from his past case with Connor. After the android revolution, the two were given more cases and not just limited to deviants and the occasional shooting where reinforcements were needed. Well, now Connor couldn't join those as deviants, regardless of their employment, weren't allowed firearms until they passed the law in a few months. Which, was incredibly stupid to Hank as androids are safer wielding firearms in comparison to humans. Not only that but Connor needs a gun to protect himself in his line of work from crazy people like the politicians that are taking forever to pass the fucking law! The damn politicians were the reason Connor almost fucking died on their last mission!

Hank turned to watch in horror as Connor slowly fell to the floor following a short yet loud gunshot. Hank favouring to comfort his android son ignored the opportunity to shoot the aggressor and sprinted over to the man who was steadily bleeding out. Hank had pressed his hands against the wound as hard as he could but it seemed like no matter how hard he tried the blue blood would just slip out as if nothing was blocking the gaping hole on his son's side.

"H-Hank... I'm scared... I...I don't want to die," Connor cried as tears slipped down his face. Watching his face with so much distraught and pain on was just so, so wrong. The sound of his sobs made the other gunshots white noise in the background. It wasn't until arms started to pull him away did he realise other people were here.

"Get off of me! I need to help Connor!" Hank shouted as he pushed the arms off his shoulders. He watched as two technicians surrounded the weeping android and began to wrap something over the wound before lifting him onto a gurney with ease. Hank wanted nothing more than to follow them but his legs just wouldn't work. He looked down st his hands and saw blue blood flash to crimson red blood as an image of Cole's lifeless body laid in front him.

Hank shook his head, clearing it of the horrid memory. He didn't want to think about that. He had to protect Connor now and there was nothing he could do to save Cole back then. Speaking of his android partner, Hank glanced up to see Connor's LED, which he refuses to remove despite most androids removing theirs, cycling a faint yellow with him blinking rapidly before it cycles back to blue. "What was that about?" Hank asked and let out a laugh as Connor jumped in his seat, obviously unaware of Hank's presence.
"I received a case about a man allegedly being seen taking an android and then the witness heard screaming... but the witness said they couldn't identify which of them was screaming and was afraid to go in and check," Connor relayed and watched as Hank stood from his desk, his knees and back cracking quietly. He stretched a little before walking away from his desk towards the door. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply.
"So, where is this- Connor?" Hank turned to his side to see the normally lively and chattering android missing from his side, which he rarely left. Not that Hank minds, in fact, he likes it... it reminds him of Cole. Hank shook his head and turned around to see Connor still sitting at his desk. His head was tilted slightly in confusion with his LED cycling yellow again.
"Well, don't just sit there! C'mon, we got a crime to solve!" Hank shouted and he watched as the lanky man scrambled about, almost tripping over his feet several times, before running over to him. His normally perfect hair had a few stray curls poking up from his little game of twister he just had. "You're a crack up, Connor," Hank laughed as he ruffled the synthetic hairs, letting the loose curls spring up and make a mess of his hair.
"I do not understand what you mean Hank. I am not cracking," Connor spoke with his head tilted to the side.
"Connor, shut up," Hank smiled softly at the young android. Connor smiled at him before Hank ruffled his hair more aggressively making  Connor let out a noise of irritation and swatting at Hank's hand before it could make a bigger mess of his hair.
"Hank, stop I need to look professional!" Connor squawked loudly as he tried to flatten his hair back down but the curls just sprung back up. The sound of Hank laughing filled the air with Connor soon following with his own.

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