2) Bloody Hands

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Connor dealing with the trauma of this he hurt before he became deviant.

Rk1000 yaaas

Warning: Blood/Gore + cursing

No matter how many times, how hard he tried, he could never remove the blood from his hands. The blood of those he shouldn't have hurt wouldn't leave him alone. To be honey he deserves. He deserves to be reminded of the most he used... no is. It's a constant reminder that he doesn't deserve what he has and that they should be here not him. He didn't hurt many androids but... those he did... Daniel... Simon. RA9 Simon was the worst one of the two. He was Markus' best friend and he killed him. He was the reason Simon shot himself...

Connor was stood staring into a mirror in the room he and Markus shared in New Jericho. Connor pressed a hand to his LED where it spun red before he glared at its reflection. He wanted nothing more than to tear it out so he could properly hide everything he was bottling up but then everyone would know something was wrong with him. They'd go digging and... and they'd find out he killed them... they'd see the blue blood that stained his pale and freckles hands. They'd see all the bodies of those he's killed around him. They'd all hate him... disown him. Hank would push him away and call him a fucking monster and say how much he hated him. North and Josh they'd want nothing more than to dish out what he deserves... and he wishes that they would. Markus... Markus, the love of his life, would never forgive him. Markus would hate him... he would leave Connor all alone and pray that he'd have justice dealt with him.

A sob broke out of his throat as the thoughts grew louder and louder, each scenario worse than the last. Connor wanted nothing more than to slam his hand into his reflection but that's causing too much noise... everybody would gather... Connor shook his head to try and clear the thoughts and wiped aggressively at his face to no luck as the sobs and tears grew more violent. He eventually collapsed to his knees and just focused on try to calm his breathing and to stop the violent tremors wracking his body. Every single son that left his mouth cause a new tremble which caused another tear which would then continue the cycle of his sadness. He could feel what was left of his mental state deteriorating quickly as he struggled to gather himself together. He just couldn't do it. Every time he got close to being calm another thought would appear or the sight of their body would submerge from the back of his memory and make the whole cycle start again. This was one of the worst things he's ever gone through and he wanted nothing more than for it to stop.

The sound of the door opening slowly and quietly made Connor's head whip around and his body jerked back into the mirror, cracking it slightly but not shattering it. When Markus started slowly walking towards him, he forced himself to stand and tried to back up but the mirror blocked him. "Connor? Connor just take a deep breath. It's me, Markus, don't panic," Connor tried to listen to him, he honestly did, but all that entered his mouth was a short intake of air before another sob tore its way out of his throat. With Markus getting closer and still talking about things Connor didn't understand, because for once in his life he wasn't listening, he knew there was only one way of getting out a situation where he'd have to face his thoughts. Run.




His programming was screaming at him to run away as far and as fast as he could. He had to listen. Connor bolted forward shocking Markus who barley managed to grab his wrist. The younger android flinched when he heard the gasp from Markus as he let go of his wrist out of shock. The pained expression on his face made Connor's thirium pump stutter and falt before freezing altogether. His eyes widened in horror, "Connor, wait!" Connor used this moment as his opportunity and sprinted out of the doorway, which Markus had forgotten to close. His optical units were getting blurry as their cleaning fluids fell down his face in large droplets... similar to tears in a way. He felt his fans working overtime to try and keep his core temperature from rising too high, making it sound like he was hyperventilating. Connor only wished that he hadn't gotten one of his fans slightly damaged in a case with Hank. Normally this wasn't too big of a deal as he had high strength fans, that even only having one worked perfectly fine, but at this moment he needed two perfectly functioning fans to help with the onslaught of overworking biocomponents.

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