3) "No, stop!"

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Anti-android people beat the shit out of him.

Connor liked to believe that after the peaceful android revolution had gone as well as it could that humans would be more accepting of androids as a co-existing species, like dogs but they're not kept as companions and can roam around freely... so not really like dogs. Despite this Connor still believed that humans had mostly accepted them all. I mean if Connor had been accepted into Jericho with open arms, despite his past, then why couldn't humans do the same for them or at least to the innocent androids.

Markus had recently given a very motivating and uplifting speech about android rights and that managed to win most, if not all, of the crowd. However, Connor had managed to notice a few shady people at the back leaving when he had been watching his boyfriend give his speech. Connor couldn't be more proud of his partner but seeing those people look at them like that... it sent shivers to the deepest wires inside of him. He was... scared. Scared that those people might do something to hurt the one he loves and holds close. Then again maybe the stares were directed at him? He was the deviant hunter and some people and androids haven't forgotten or forgiven yet. Which, made his late-night walk a really bad idea. In Connor's defence, he usually does this with Sumo but Sumo's very tired and Connor doesn't like breaking his workout routine, even if he doesn't need to work out to stay fit or healthy. That and Connor needed some time to think and collect his thoughts. His most recent case with Hank had been very troubling as it was about anti-android groups that began stalking and sometimes even murdering innocent androids at night. Which just made him look even stupider right now.

Connor let out a sigh and watched as a white puff left his mouth. The cold winter weather usually didn't affect him but as he deviated it's become more apparent that he cannot withstand the cold very well. He loves the snow and rain but it just doesn't deal well with his biocomponents. He stopped to take a deep breath and try and help his body ease it's processing but it seemed to only agitate the sensitive processors more. Connor stuffed his gloved hands into the thick coat and buried his face into his scarf to try and help his core temperature rise. Thankfully the fact it's snowing meant Connor's stress levels didn't increase drastically at the cold temperature. The snow is very calming and makes Connor feel happy and warm inside his chest, which at first he thought he was malfunctioning and spent a half an hour trying to diagnose the problem before spending the other half of the hour crying in Hank's arms thinking he was going to shutdown. That wasn't his favourite and proudest moment.

Snowstorms always brought back bad memories he'd rather keep stashed away, seeing light snowfall was nice and makes Connor look forward to winter in Detroit even if it means reliving his nightmares.

"Hey!" A random voice shouted and had Connor turning around. A rather bulky, tall man with tan skin started walking towards him. His black hair was surprisingly neat along with his very formal clothing of a suit and tie. The man would've come off as a naturally more assertive and kinda aggressive man if it wasn't for his dark brown eyes that burned with rage and his body language that indicated his want to hit something... or someone. He had his hands clenched in fists, gritting teeth, shoulders hunched upwards, wrinkles and creases on his face from it being scrunched up in fury, and his eyebrows were furrowed. Connor gulped nervously and he started to search for his coin to fidget with before he realised Hank still had it. Now normally in a situation like this Connor would run away but the man could just be angry because he's frustrated that he got lost and wanted to ask for directions. Connor ran a scan and saw several thousand scenarios but the chance of the man being angry at him and attacking him was the highest at 56%. Connor didn't like that high of a possibility.

"Hello sir, are you lost?" Connor asked nervously as the man was now in front of him, the same furious expression present on his face.
"No, I'm not you fucking asshole!" He screamed and Connor rose a single eyebrow and his smile dropped with his hands raising a bit while giving the man a 'are you fucking serious' face. "Listen here and listen good!" He grabbed Connor's scarf and pulled him closer to his face, "I fuckin' hate androids and I don't wanna see another one of you fucking job-stealing fuck-faces here ever again!" Ah, so the man must've just lost his job to an android that could complete his job a lot better. Connor bit back a little laugh since it was obvious that this man must've been bad at his job since you aren't legally allowed to just replace human employees with androids because you want to or because of the idea that since they're android they must be better, although that still happens to this day.
"I'm sorry sir but I don't see how you losing your job is my fault. But if my presence caused a distur-" Connor began apologising, although he didn't mean it in the slightest, when the man punched him right in the nose. Connor let out a cry and fell backwards onto his ass and began to clutch at his probably broken nose, trying desperately to keep the thirium from leaking out. HUD warnings began to appear about the damage sustained but he paid it no mind as he quickly stood up and started to run away. Getting into unnecessary physical situations weren't good for his stress levels, which were already increasing drastically, with his reputation. With him and Markus dating people did expect Connor to be more pacifist and did kinda value their opinion of Markus on their opinion on him.

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