5) Poisoned

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Bad blue blood...

this is why you don't lick random shit on the street kids. Don't be like Connor or you'll wind up in a hospital.

"That tasted strange," a voice mumbled quietly behind Hank. The older detective turned around slowly already mentally preparing himself for what he was most likely going to see. Connor was squatted down near a small puddle of thirium with little navy blue droplets on his fingers. The android had a contemplative look on his face while staring at his fingers before glancing back down towards the puddle and then looking up at Hank. "Oh, hello Lieutenant," Connor smiled up at Hank who closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Connor... what did I tell you about licking random shit on the floor," The man groused and let out a deep sigh after. Connor merely stared up at him and blinked with genuine confusion as if this was the first time Hank had ever mentioned this. "Wait- what do you mean it tasted strange? I thought you couldn't taste anything," The man asked with one raised eyebrow and crossed arms. The androids expression seemed to brighten like they usually did when he got the opportunity to talk to Hank about anything related to androids.
"Well, I cannot taste like humans can as I do not have any tastebuds or taste receptors, however, I do have something similar. I was designed with sensors on my tongue made specifically to analyse as you know. My forensic analysis software does allow me to taste a little to assist in differentiating between-" Connor began but was quickly cut off by Hank.
"Connor, I don't understand any of this mumbo jumbo... English Connor!" The android's face dropped and he looked up while holding his chin trying to think. He tapped his foot lightly and looking around a little, which was a habit that Connor had developed a few weeks after deviancy. He had got several habits, mostly good or neutral and none that directly harmed himself or others, from either Hank or the other androids he hung around. Although Connor did a few software quirks he developed himself like skipping the last step or two regardless of where he was, inside the Detroit Police Department or Jericho or even just walking down a normal flight of stairs. He has to skip the last one or two or else he'll just shuffle about awkwardly until he walks it off.
"I can taste a limited amount due to my programming," he explained while rubbing the dried thirium off his fingers on his uniform.

Loud crashing broke off whatever comment Hank was going to make. They both turned around, Connor more so snapping than turning, to see a drunk man stumbling over trash cans while cursing rather loudly. The two detectives shared a confused glance before cautiously approaching the man who was now lying down on the pavement with his drink spilt and broken. His surprisingly formal and clean attire was wrinkled now along with his brown hair that had loose strands spring up. "Hello, sir, are you alright?" Connor asked as he crouched down beside the man with Hank standing beside him ready to shove the young detective out of harm's way. A grumbling noise came from the man and he carelessly waved his hand around in the air. Instead of resting his hand on the floor, he placed it on Connor's knee and used it to help push himself up. His pale face had bruises on it with his nose busted and bleeding slowly.
"You... you one of 'em androids?" The man slurred while making messy eye contact with Connor before pushing himself up into a sitting position with the help of Connor. The android glanced up at Hank who just gave him an uninterested shrug.
Connor looked back at the drunk, "I am... is there any way I could provide assistance to you, sir?" Connor defaulted to his polite and mechanical tone that indicated he was using his programming to try and communicate with the man. He only ever used these programs when he grew panicked and unsure of what to do. He has improved with socialising with people but that only seemed to apply to those he normally sees as strangers make him panic and default to his installed software.
"You androids... good peoples... not very durable..." The man slurred. He moved to stand but stumbled over as soon as he got to his feet. He balanced himself before he staggered forwards narrowly avoiding running directly into Hank. The two detectives shared a concerned glance before Hank moved towards him.
"Alright, we're gonna get you a taxi to take you home... you're interfering with police work and you can't be here," Hank stood in front of him with the drunk blinking slowly at him.
"...okay..." Connor slowly walked up to the two with his LED blinking yellow before cycling blue again having contacted a self-driving cab.
The man turned to Connor looking him up and down, "you a good kid..." the man smiled and gave him a thumbs-up before Hank led him down the alleyway. They left Connor blinking in confusion before smiling a little to himself.
"Oh yeah... Don't lick anything while I'm gone, Connor!" Hank yelled from a few feet away from him. The deviant rolled his eyes before turning away from the two.

Whilst this whole interaction had been going on Connor hadn't noticed the rising levels of his stress with his processors and biocomponents overworking themselves. Snapping out of his daze he turned back to the crime scene and started walking back towards the small thorium puddle on the floor. He crouched back down and his forensic software instantly made the connection between the liquid on the floor and some information in his database. He mindlessly ran through the components of the blue blood but couldn't find anything that caught his attention. He connected the blood sample to a PW200 model. Their details had been corrupted which he could only assume was an attempt at hiding themself from authorities. Connor stood up as a wave of dizziness washed over him. He stumbled forwards before he managed to collect himself and stand upright shaking his head. His head felt a little sore from the whole action and tried to focus on the ground in front of him not moving. The dizziness did eventually dull down but he couldn't shake off the feeling of being unbalanced. His legs were aching a little but he could manage with it after all he's gone through a lot worse.

He shuddered at the reminder of the violent JB300 deviant that had torn out his thirium pump regulator. That whole ordeal has left some negative impacts on his regulator that causes it to malfunction at times but it'll be okay. He doesn't have any compatible parts to replace it even if he wanted to fix it but he doesn't mind since it does still work.

A hand slapped his shoulder making the detective jump out of fright. Connor spun around and slapped the hand off his shoulder while gripping the wrist in a tight grip. "Motherfuck- Connor what the fuck?!" Hank cursed loudly which made Connor immediately release his wrist while frantically apologising and scanning and checking over Hank's wrist.
"I'm sorry about that Hank you had startled me and I acted according to my programming... I'm sorry if I had injured you in any way," Connor apologised. The older detective just stared at him in confusion before pulling his wrist away from the deviant.
"What's gotten into you? A minute ago you were fine but now you're all jumpy and shit... Did something happen?" The older detective watched Connor just shrug in response with his LED cycling yellow. It was reassuring to see the yellow instead of red going based off of previous experiences.

However, his relief didn't last long as it almost immediately cycled back to a bright crimson with Connor's expression changing from uncertainty to horror in a matter of seconds. The android slowly moved to sit on the floor with his head resting on his arms that were crossed and resting on his knees. "Connor? Connor? What's wrong, son?" A larger hand rested on his shoulder as Connor focused on breathing in and out slowly. He doesn't think this will help his systems but who knows?
"urgh... I think... I think I may have licked a contaminated source of thirium..." Connor pushed himself onto his knees and pressed his forehead on his thighs while Hank continued running his hand over his metallic spine trying to comfort the deviant.
"What does that mean? Are you going to be alright-" Hank began before Connor suddenly rose his head and lurched forwards. Deep blue blood just poured out of his mouth and leaked a little out his nose. He tried breathing in before choking really hard on the blood in his throat before coughing up some more. Hank jumped back as more flooded out of his mouth pooling onto the floor.
"S-some-thing... something's... wrong-" Connor coughed really harshly and tried to sit upright before more leaked out of the corner of his mouth. Connor collapsed to his side and gripped his sides while squeezing his eyes shut and squirming lightly. Connor breathed in before static burst out of his mouth.  His eyes opened wide and his arms loosened slightly before twitching slightly along with his legs. His limbs started moving twitching and moving around mindlessly. Blood slowly trickled out his nose.

Hank watched helplessly beside him with his face full of terror. He was watching his second son have a seizure in front of him, bleeding out of his mouth and nose. The older detective waited until Connor's limbs stopped moving and he remained motionless on the ground. "Connor?" Hank spoke slowly and softly and reached forwards to touch Connor on the shoulder. The android's head limply moved as Hank slapped it lightly. Connor didn't respond verbally but his bright red LED cycled yellow slowly before going back to crimson. "Hold on son... I'll... I'll... fuck... I'll call Markus," The older detective reached into his pocket fishing around for his phone before a soft hand gripped his wrist.
"Don't... already... already... contacted..." The android replied sluggishly before his hand flopped onto the floor limply. Hank moved Connor to lean on his shoulder with some blood still dribbling down his chin. The detective wrapped his arm around his shoulder and rubbed it in comfort.
"You'll be alright..." Hank reassured with a slight smile.
"I always am..." Connor smiled before closing his eyes with his LED cycling slowly.

Hmhmhmhmgm I wanna sleep and have this an open ending so who knows how Connor wound up! Did he die? Probably not. Did he live? Definitely!

DBH ONESHOTS (READ DESCRIPTION)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora