7) Stranded

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Connor's voice modulator is broken and so is one of his legs as he's takin care of a case with Hank. He's stranded for a bit where everybody's elsewhere and the person who hurt him is hiding nearby. So he's like bleeding out so kinda not stranded since like I don't think anyone can manage to leave him alone.

Connor scanned the room around him, a broken vase, dried blood, and there were even some glass shards scattered hazardously across the floor, speaking of the floor the planks were broken and splintered up in a few spots. The walls had paint chipping off and an odd yellowish tint in the room that reeked of soot and hazardous chemicals that make even him gag and he wasn't aware he could gag at smells. The android glanced around and couldn't make out any bit of the paint that hasn't been stained from the smoke. Dragging his finger lightly across the wall he managed to get some to wipe off onto his finger revealing a pearl white wall. Recoiling in disgust Connor wiped his finger on the nearby couch, which was equally disgusting but at least it didn't smell like a rotting corpse mixed with acetone, tobacco, and bleach. Connor normally isn't the type of person to judge how people live, especially after a murder but this... this place is just repulsive.

Letting out a sigh Connor walked over to the deceased android laying down on her side. An AX400 model, like Kara, only she had cut and dyed her hair a pale lavender and had pale green contact lenses in. She was wearing what looked like a local cafes uniform, she must've just finished her shift when she had been grabbed. Her abdomen had a total of seven stab wounds with her forehead leaking thirium from a large dent a cut. Connor hopes her death was quick and as painless as possible even though her wounds say otherwise. Taking a sample of her thirium he began analysing.

NAME: Eleanor
ACTIVATION DATE: June 17th 2036, 2 years old
FAMILY: Jasmine - WR400 #641 791 059 (Partner)

She was one of the newer AX400 models along with her partner being one of the last WR400 models to be activated. Connor ran a hand down the side of his face knowing exactly what kind of night he was going to have after this... He was not looking forward to breaking the news. Connor knows that other officers would be okay with doing it for him, everybody at the precinct can practically see the social awkwardness he has, but if it's an android then Connor doesn't feel right sending somebody else. Some androids still aren't comfortable around humans and would prefer talking with another android... although with his previous status as the "Deviant Hunter" maybe a human would be better. Shaking his head Connor knew realistically many had thought he was "redeemed" but... he couldn't shake off the paranoia.

Connor glanced around to see thirium splattered on the floor from an injured android and once again dried blood from an unknown human on the floor. Connor wiped his fingers on the dried blood, barely any got on the tip of his fingers but he did get some at least and then proceeded to lick them when he was sure Hank wasn't watching him. Here's to hoping these blood samples were contaminated with any of the bacteria here. His sensors and forensic software scanned and ran the DNA through his system. Fortunately, no bacteria was discovered other than the ones usually present in human blood.

NAME: Craig Spencyr.
BIRTH DATE: January 1st 1998, 40 years old.
CRIMES: Drug possession, aggravated assault, and murder.

Goodness, how did this man ever get out of jail? Standing up Connor blinked and was ready to walk over to the thirium to begin analysis. A very sudden bang sounded above his head and he tilted his head towards the roof out of curiosity. He glanced back down and watched Hank continue to converse with the other detectives, not having noticed or heard the sound. Now Connor knows he should continue analysing the evidence after alerting the other present detectives to the noise. So, he has no idea how he wound up walking towards the stairs having not listened to what his programming was screaming at him to do. Perhaps deviancy was making him a bit too confident in his abilities to go alone when checking out what could possibly be the murderer. Whatever it was it was working because now he's upstairs alone, investigating a random noise that could be an anti-android murderer or maybe it's a bird trying to access the building through a closed window. It's happened more times than he can count.

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