6) Friendly Fire

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North has some deadly snowball throws. Unfortunately, nobody told Connor this and he gets knocked the fuck out from her.

Connor stared out the slightly frosted window with interest as he watched little white flakes of snowfall down from the sky. He glanced around and saw most of the androids that had previously made the room in Jericho lively had already left. Most androids were heading out to celebrate the holidays with their family or friends. Connor would've been doing the same with Hank but the older detective was out of town at the moment meeting up with some old friends. He'd be back in a couple of hours but Connor couldn't help the loneliness he felt watching some androids leaving laughing and smiling while he was stuck indoors helping move boxes around. He could hang out with his friends or Markus... but they were busy and Connor would rather help them than sit around waiting for Hank to return like a dog awaiting their owner. Glancing back over at the window he smiled as he shifted the box in his arms to regain his grip. He continued watching entranced by the snow dancing around and covering the ground. Connor liked snow. He could deal with the occasional snowfall and even light snowstorms at times... but blizzards crossed the line. He should be grateful that no blizzards have hit yet. He should also be grateful that Amanda hasn't reappeared yet and that he hasn't been in the Zen Garden since he deviated. Would the place still be a winter wonderland? Or would it be different now that Amanda wasn't "caring" for the garden?

"Connor, there you are!" A voice boomed nearby his ear snapping him out of his daze. Turning slightly he saw North standing next to him with a smug expression as usual.
"Hello, North, do you require my assistance?" He internally winced at his wording. He's been trying to sound less mechanical and that meant not using large vocabulary when unnecessary along with not asking if people "required his assistance" instead of "how are you?" Even if those around him keep reassuring him saying they don't mind how he talks and "it's reassuring that at least someone knows what they're fuckin' talkin' 'bout." The last one was a direct quote from Hank when he had asked him how he felt about his complexity with verbal communication. That didn't exactly ease his anxiety about the whole situation even if he trusted Hank to not lie to him about something as supposedly unimportant as the way he talks. Perhaps he should've talked about it some more to the man, apparently talking about your internal affairs will help you cope with them? That doesn't make sense to him but he's willing to give anything a shot at this point.

"Hellooooo? Earth to Connor.. are you alive in there?" North knocked on the part of his head next to his LED watching as it cycled from yellow to blue confirming he had, in fact, heard her. "Alright then... how about we put the box down... and go in the snow! I saw you starin' and I can tell you need a break! So there's no point in lying to me!" She shouted as she practically punched the box out of his arms onto the floor and then proceeded to throw her arm around his neck, pulling him down. Connor winced at the crashing noise of the box but let himself be dragged around by the shorter female even if he was itching to go pick the box up and clean whatever mess it made. The further away he got the more paranoid he got. What if somebody slipped? He'd never forgive himself. He still hasn't gotten over what he did to the old Jericho and deviants in his past. Biting his lip he turned around and watched as it slowly disappeared from his vision as the two rounded a corner. At least now it didn't feel like the weight of the whole situation was on his shoulders. As they got closer to the door to the back of Jericho North froze. "What was in that box by the way? You seem worried about it," She watched Connor process what she had said for a few moments before he winced in realisation.
"That box contained some of Markus' paints," he watched as her face scrunched up.
"Yiiikessss... I'm going to get in trouble for that one... oh, well! Let's go get the snow!" She shouted quickly overlooking the paint hazardously splattered on the flooring and guiding them out the building.

"Now, why would you be paranoid over Markus' paints spilling? You of all people should know he's got no mean circuits in his body," North watched the amber yellow LED light cycle almost instantaneously to a vibrant blood red. The detective's face became horror-stricken, his eyes widening and glistening over as if tears were threatening to spill, before going back to the reserved, blank expression he normally had when something got on his nerve.
"That has nothing to do with him..." The man uttered coldly with his eyes gazing blankly ahead of them. North got the impression rather quickly that he didn't think he could talk about what was upsetting him even if he wanted to.
"If you need to talk to someone about anything you can talk to us... we're your friends," North suggested and watched as his LED slowly cycled back to usual azure blue his face becoming more relaxed and calm but his normally chocolate brown puppy eyes still had the same weary and tired atmosphere ensnared within them. They walked in silence for a few moments before Connor turned his head to her.
"I appreciate your words... but I'd rather deal with this alone for now," he gave her a small, awkward smile that was obviously forced. North left him alone after that.

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