Chapter 2: Team Natsu

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The child's eyes fluttered open, revealing them to be a startling myriad of sparkling greys. She blinked a few times, slowly. The mages before her flickered into view. She blinked again, just in time to see the archangel Auria touch her encasing crystal gently and disappear with a burst of light.

A solitary tear drowned itself in her porcelain skin.

"Mother..." she whispered softly as the bluish crystal melted into nothingness around her and the warm-but-unwelcomed air enveloped her instead. She stretched her arms weakly towards where Auria had been as soon as they were freed from their liquidized cage, perhaps to catch just one speck of a trace of her soul existing there for even a single radiant moment. This was to no avail; her mentor and honorary mother was gone from this earth to return to her home in the skies. Another droplet plummeted to the table she was crouched on.

Slowly, a warm voice drew her out of her melancholy thoughts.

"Hello, my child. My name is Mirajane Strauss, but you can call me Mira-nee."

The child turned around to see a kind-faced young woman with white hair falling to her shoulders leaning towards her, though not assertively in any way.

"Mira...nee?" the young girl whispered, unsure of her own voice. Then she smiled, almost imperceptibly, and repeated the name. "Mira-nee!"

At that time, a bond formed between the two. Mirajane's welcoming grin and the crystal child's shy expression were a perfect match for each other. And thus the gray-winged mage was introduced to Fairy Tail.

A blur of sights and sounds later...

She sat on a tall barstool, her thin legs swinging under her midnight blue silk dress.

"Can you introduce yourself?" asked the Master kindly.

The child nodded...and began to speak.

"My name is Renata Soulsilver," she stated proudly in a clear, bell-like voice. "I was brought up by Auria-sensei, after being orphaned. She taught me my magic over a span of four years, starting at age three." She looked around at the assembled mages. "Would you like me to show you...?" There were eager nods all around, some after a period of hesitation.

Renata closed her startling gray eyes and brought her palms together in a prayerlike pose. Fire erupted effortlessly from her small hands, followed by spurts of pure blue ice and golden flashes of lightning. Renata opened her eyes again, her hair now swirling in wild eddies around her angelic face. Everyone was stunned beyond belief. Even steely Erza, who took shocks easily, was nearly dumbstruck.

Natsu jumped up and stood in front of Renata. "That was awesome! Can I eat your fire?"

The girl blinked, then narrowed her eyes. "You must be a Dragon Slayer! That's interesting. I'm guessing you practice Fire Dragon Slayer magic?" When Natsu nodded with a huge grin on his face, Renata put her palms back together to create a spinning tornado of flames. It hurtled towards Natsu, and he bent backwards, literally inhaling the flames. Seconds later, he straightened up again with a sigh of contentment. "Wow! Those were the best flames I've ever eaten!" His mouth stretched happily to the sides of his face. "Hey, you should join Team Natsu! We're the best team in Fairy Tail!"

Renata cocked her head.


The pinkette nodded decisively, and behind him a few mages exchanged looks. A woman with long crimson hair and a young man with blue-black hair and no shirt on were whispering. A short girl with waist-length blue hair was hugging a white Exceed. A blue Exceed was jumping up and down in front of a blonde teenage girl.

Their faces showed nothing but acceptance.


A/N: haha sorry for the super short chapter... But now you know more about Ren!

//but it was a fast update

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