Chapter 3: Fairy Tail

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The mages from earlier came forward. Renata learned that the redhead was named Erza, the dark-haired stripper was Gray, the blonde was Lucy, and the little blue-haired girl with the sweet smile was Wendy. The white Exceed was Carla, Wendy's partner. The other blue Exceed was named Happy, and was the partner of the most exciting mage she'd ever met. Not that she'd met many at all.

The pinkette was Natsu, and the team was informally named after him. He was extremely friendly and upbeat; a moment with him was never dull. Renata began to feel more appreciation for the guild that Auria had left her to.

Now Erza was bending down, placing one of her iron-shod hands on Renata's shoulder. "Renata-chan, would you like me to take you to Fairy Hills? Most of the girls live there, and I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly." When the small mage nodded happily, Erza smiled down at her. "Okay then. Mira, Levy-" She beckoned them, and together Renata walked out the door of the guild together.

Renata was skipping lightly, both for fun and to match the older girls' steps. She held Levy's hand, meaning the bandana-wearing bookworm was currently putting up with the winged seven-year-old's energy. Finally the blue-haired Script Mage looked down at the child and asked a question that had been burning steadily in the back of her mind.

"Hey, Ren-san, can you fly?" Levy said, her eyes meeting Renata's.

The silver-haired girl stopped walking and gazed longingly up at the sky. "Yes. Yes, I can."

She stretched her wings out slowly. A laugh filtered thinly through the calm silence, and Erza turned to watch from where she was standing with Mira-nee. Light reflected dully off of the grayscale feathers. Renata took a deep breath and twitched a wing.

Finally, after a period of anticipation, she flapped her wings powerfully, allowing her to ascend gracefully into the blue sky. Her dark silhouette lay against the ground, shadowing the mages below. Renata let out a laugh of happiness.

"I've missed flying so much!"

She twisted agilely in the air and did a complicated series of loops and swirls. Her silver hair danced in the wind.

Levy watched in awe.

"Wow, Ren-san..."

The younger girl swept down to meet them, her gray eyes sparkling. "Let's go! I can see the building from here!" She did a somersault and flew off.

The Solid Script mage, Requip mage, and the Take Over mage ran after her, and Mira especially was impressed by the young mage's abilities.

-Minutes Later-

Renata landed lightly on the path leading up to the huge building. The other three were not far behind her, and she skipped to them cheerfully. "Hi, minna!"

She reached up to clutch Mira-nee's hand. The white-haired mage smiled down at her, and said,"Let's go in now, okay?" The younger girl nodded excitedly, and allowed herself to be led through the doors and into the entrance hall.

A blur of colors, hallways, and doors later, Renata found herself in a room with sterile white walls and wood floor, a gray-sheeted bed in the corner of one room and a small kitchen occupying one of the other two.

"This suite can be yours," announced Erza decisively.

Renata walked slowly around the rooms, trailing her hand along the walls. "Is this really mine?" she asked timidly, almost unbelievingly.

Levy grinned."As long as you do jobs that pay enough to keep you in here! But don't worry, Erza said she's going to pay your rent for the first month since you just got here."

Erza nodded."And since you're so powerful, I'm sure you can make enough easily."

Astonished, Renata gave each of the mages a half-bow. "Thank you so much!"

Mira gave the younger mage a closed-eye smile. "And now all you need is your guild mark. We should go back to the guild for that."

Erza nodded in confirmation."We can buy furniture and decorations later. Let's go."

Renata slid a hand over a wall, then turned towards the others.


-Minutes later, at the Guild-

Renata sat on one of the tall barstools with Mira-nee behind the counter. The Take Over mage held a stamp in her hand.

"Where would you like it? And what color?"

She felt most of the mages watching her, either 'stealthily' or obviously. Renata thought, then smiled gently. Her gray eyes turned pure silver for a moment, and her voice rang out pure and sweet.

"I would like it silver, and on my right shoulder, please."

Mira nodded, and reached out. The stamp against her skin burned, then was cool as ice. Mere seconds later, a silver Fairy Tail guild mark was glowing on her shoulder.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

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