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John: *takes a giant bite out of a burger and chews on it*

Felix: Honey don't inhale your food.

John: *swallows it* I can't help it! I'm really hungry!! *eats it all*

Felix: *sighs* If you puke, it's not my fault.


John: *eating a bunch of cookies*

Felix: We just bought those.

John: Oh did we? *already eaten them all*


Felix: Spaghetti! *gives John the plate*

John: Thank you honey~ *starts eating it*

Felix: No problem honey~ *goes to serve himself some*

John: More please! *holds out the empty plate*

Felix: *stares at it* ..... oh... *takes it and serves him more*


Felix: John your getting a bit of Belly.

John: Are you saying I'm Fat?! *tears up*

Felix: nonononono!! It's just- You've been eating a lot!

John: Oh!! So you're saying I'm a PIG?!

Felix: No!! I am not saying you're a pig!! I'm just saying the baby must be really hungry if you ate all that food!!

John: *blushes in embarrassment and huffs* Fuck off! *drinks a cup of water*


John eats a lot! But he also throws up specific food like Soda.

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