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Jill: *rings the doorbell carrying flowers*

Darlene: *arguing with the girl version of Andy*

Jill: *waiting patiently*

Darlene: *opens the door* Nobody else is coming! *bumps into Jill*

Jill: *squeaks* Sorry!

Darlene: *landed right in between her boobs and looks up at her*

Jill: Oh uh... Hi!

Darlene: ... Your boobs are like marshmallows.

Jill: A-are they? *blushes and shakes head softly* I-I'm here a-about the ad? *shows her the flyer*

Darlene: *grins* You're here about the blind date? Well you're looking at her~

Jill: o-oh! *gives her the flowers*

Darlene: Aww!~


Darlene: question: Will you let me touch your boobs?

Jill: Y-you kinda a-already did?

Darlene: Take off your clothes right now. *starts taking off her shirt*


Darlene: Your boobs are ginormous!! So is your pussy!! *pushes her face against it*

Jill: *jolts* D-darlene, S-shouldn't w-we get to know each other first?

Darlene: We are! *sucks hard on her clit*

Jill: *gasps out*


Darlene: W-Will you be my girlfriend? *snuggling into her boobs while grinding against her*

Jill: Y-yes! *moans out and kisses her softly*


Josephina: How did the date go?

Jill: I-I may or may not have a girlfriend now. *blushes*

Felicia: That's great!! *smiles*

Jill: *nods smiling*

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