Bruh (nsfw)

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Jill: u-um... Darlene?

Darlene: Yes my darling?~

Jill: C-can.. c-can...

Darlene: Yes?~

Jill: Canyousitonmyface?!! *covers her face blushing*

Darlene: *stares at her before grinning* Yes! Yes! Yes! *gets on her*


Jill: muffled: hold still *lapping at her pussy*

Darlene: *can't help, but squirm in pleasure* F-fuck~


Darlene: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and that's when Jill saw the magnificent Darlene and fell in love with her not caring that her boyfriend Jack was dead.

Jill: Are you really jealous of a song? I'm pretty sure Jack and Jill are brother and sister.

Darlene: Shut up and take my cock! *thrusts into her ass with the strap-on*

Jill: *moans out* D-darlene!!


Darlene: Fuck me hard!

Jill: W-with this? *holds out the horse cock dildo*

Darlene: Yes!~ And don't forget to squeeze my tits!


~ At school ~

Jill: *trying to keep quiet*

Darlene: *sucking on her clit underneath the desk while also touching herself*

Jill: *runs her hand through her hair trying really hard not to moan*

Darlene: *thrusts two fingers in with her tongue*

Jill: *bites her lip*

Darlene: *pulls off and taps her leg*

Jill: *glances down at her*

Darlene: *shows her the dildo*

Jill: *blushes and shakes her head a bit*

Darlene: *nods smiling evilly and pushes it in*

Jill: *bites her arm blushing red*

Darlene: *pushes it in all the way and kisses her pussy*


They both got found out and had detention, where they fucked.

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