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Carmey: Dad so like at school I have to write about my hero and since I can't like do Homer simpson because he's a cartoon character, I wanna write about you.

Max: *stops drinking his coffee* Why am I second choice?

Carmey: You and Ma fool around like a lot. I was mostly raised by tv.

Max: Whaaat? No!

Carmey: Just show me where you work!

Max: *grumbles* Alright, at least you didn't choose Alex.

Carmey: Oh I wanted to but-

Max: I'll show you! I'll show you!


Carmey: Nice police house.

Max: It's a station.

Carmey: Employee of the month? Hey! Mom's on here!

Max: Yeah that was a while ago.

Carmey: Why'd he stop?

Max: I made him quit. I didn't want him... to get shot.

Carmey: Lame!


Jerry: Do you still wanna be a cop?

Carmey: Kinda. Only if I'm allowed a piercing!!

Jerry: You get one.

Carmey: Tongue piercing.

Jerry: Ear piercing.

Carmey: fiiine. Both ears.

Jerry: Deal.


Carmey: Daddy look at my earrings!! *shows them off*

Max: *looking at crime folders* That's nice dear.

Carmey: You didn't even look! Also I wanna be a cop.

Max: *drops his folders*


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