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I was sleeping on my bed when I felt a weight on the other side of the bed...I got alarmed immediately... It took me a second to open my Eye's...  My hands clenched the sheet in anger when I saw that blonde bitch whom I fucked Last night laying beside me... Why the fuck is she sleeping beside me?!!! I threw her off the bed... That whore cried in pain... She got up rubbing her hurt elbow...
"Почему ты оттолкнул меня от нашей кровати, детка?" (Russian)
(Why did you push me off from our bed baby?)

I gave her a deadly glare and she trembled in fear in  front of me..

"Как ты смеешь называть меня" детка ", ты шлюха! Ты должен обращаться ко мне как к королю! Ты ничто иное, как тело, чтобы удовлетворить мою похоть! Теперь просто убирайся отсюда!"
(How dare you to call me 'baby' you whore! You should address me as King! You are nothing but a body to satisfy my lust! Now just wear that fucking dress of yours and get out of here!)
I shouted at her and she ran away from my sight... I grabbed my phone and looked at the time... It's 5 am... I got up and wore my boxer's...

After having a quick shower and dressing up I exited my room and went down towards the chambers of the castle where I punish my enemies... I have many castle here in Russia because of Max... His ancestors have a rich past...They were very powerful Mafias... They used to have many castle's in different parts of the world.... When Max took over the throne he got all the castles as he Never had any sibling...  When I was 11 year's old, Max used to take me with him to visit the castles.... I still remember the day when he locked me in one of the prison's of his Castle as punishment... I was 14 then... It was a very dark prison..

12 year's back...
(14 year's old Veer's POV)

Max won against one of the Russian Mob and he is  really happy because Of my assistance in the war.. even I am very delighted after killing those morons... I was sitting on a rock tired and exhausted after the war... I didn't got that much hurt because I am a trained fighter..... I have got some scratches that's it..
" Hey Veer! I have something for you... " Max said while approaching me.. "what is it Max?" I said while standing up... He gave me a crooked smile... I gave him confused looks... Just then I saw some of our men dragging a small kid maybe 3 to 4 year's old..  He was having handcuffs and his legs were tied up.... the men placed him infront of me....
'' SHOOT!" Max yelled at me...   I looked at him with wide open eye's.. why does he wants me to kill that innocent child?!! I was standing still looking down without even moving an inch...  " What the fuck has happened to you?!! Take out your gun and shoot that little brat over there!" Max Shouted at me.. " but Max Who is this little child?? why  would I kill him?" I asked looking at Max.. his expressions were furious... He clenched my jaws and looked into my eyes with rage.. " you are not supposed to question me! Do what I say! " He said and turned my head towards that crying child... " That useless shit over there is the son of our enemy and you are the one who will kill him! Shoot him!" He yelled and left my jaw with a jerk... I looked at the crying boy... He was struggling with the handcuffs... I looked at Max again.... How can he be so cruel with a child?!! He was giving me deadly glares... Slowly I took out my gun and aimed at that child with shivering hands.... I tried my best to pull the trigger on but failed miserably.... The gum fell down from my hands.... "Nooo! I can't!!! I will not kill that child!!" I shouted looking at Max... He was looking dangerous.... He slapped me and I fell down on the ground... "Take that little brat away!" He shouted at his men and they took that kid away.... He then grabbed my arm and dragged me with him me.... He threw me inside his car and started driving... I was silent the whole way... I know that he is gonna punish me but I don't know what is waiting for me.. he stopped his car near his Castle and dragged me inside it.... I know where he is gonna take me to... His dungeon... He threw me inside the dungeon...
And started whipping me and I was not allowed to shout..... After nearly hundred whips he left me... " You are going to be the next king Veer! You should be merciless! But you are behaving like a fucking shit!!!" He shouted and knelt down in front of me.. " YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY MERCY! YOU SHOULD BE RUTHLESS! THAT CHILD IS THE SON OF OUR ENEMY IF YOU DON'T KILL HIM HE CAN BE A THREAT TO YOU IN FUTURE! " He said and somewhere he is saying the truth.... How can I be such a fool! " YOU WILL BE LOCKED HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE ACTING LIKE A STUPID! IF YOU CONTINUE BEHAVING LIKE THIS YOU CAN NEVER RULE! YOU ARE A DEVIL VEER!  JUST BRING OUT THAT DEVIL OUTSIDE! " He said and left me in the dark...

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