16.6K 634 189

Word count: 10,000.

Warning: this chapter contains things, which may be disturbing, read at your own risk.


" Something which I can only show you under a hot pulsating shower" 

I smirked and unzipped my pants letting it fall on the floor.


I noticed her body getting still, she was in deep thoughts, I could feel a storm building inside her. Her eyes were reflecting something, maybe a feeling of hopelessness, or maybe grave fear. A fear that is eating her up. That is destroying her. She is scared. She is scared of me.

Something was there which already warned me that she is up to something. Something foolish.

And in the next second, I was proved right. She pulled out the body wash and broke the glass bottle, smashing it against the water tap. She held the sharp piece of glass against her skin alarming me about her intensions. Arundhati is not someone who will do all these just for creating a scene, she is planning to die for sure. Dumb woman.


I warned as I tried hard to calm the rage inside me. She is getting on to my nerves with her foolish actions. If I enter the enclosure, I will loose my calm totally, so it's better to stand out.

" Leave that bottle sweetheart. I won't do anything to you. "

I commanded. As per as I think, Arundhati is simply in fear about me fucking her again. Well, she isn't completely wrong as well. I would have loved to have sex with her under this shower but observing her behaviour right now, I will leave her. Sometimes your slaves do want some rest isn't it? For giving you a better service next time? 

" And you expect me to believe you Veer?! After all you did with that girl Just to humiliate me, after all you did last night, you want me to trust you with the fact that you won't do anything to me?! How can you?! how can you VEER?!!"

what? What the fuck did she just say? This dumb girl thinks that I would fuck some slut just to mortify her?! Oh baby, I have innumerable ways to humiliate you which are far better than fucking someone. I was going to backlash but my eyes landed on the trickling blood drops oozing out of her wrist.

" Leaves. That. Arundhati. "

I stated while stepping towards her, my eyes still on her wrist.

" Backoff. "

Her shaking voice entered my ears as I took another step towards her which tensed her. What did you thought Arundhati? That I will entertain this bratty behaviour of yours and would back off?! Huh! You are so wrong sweetheart.

I watched closely as she closed her orbs and just when she was about to Slash that glass piece against her skin, in a flash I grabbed it and snatched it from her.

Throwing that fucking bottle away, I held her hands and smashed her on the wall.

"Leave me!! I want to die! Leave me! Abh!"

I was about to slap the shit out of her when I noticed the water on the floor turning red.

" DAMN "

I said being frustrated and immediately picked her up but she being a spoilt brat started shouting and trying to get out of my grip. This girl needs to be tamed, she needs to have some senses put inside her little brain. I glared at her which made her quite, I could see scare in her eyes. The water drops couldn't hide that from me. Good for her, I will create so much fear inside her that she will scream even by looking at my shadow.

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