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"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil."

I told my self whilst I constantly pinched my bruised and pale skin to wake me up from this nightmare. Impure thoughts were running through my head, I felt like I was in a washing machine, surrounded by a spinning world where I'm drowning, finally I'm dying in my dreams.

Being killed in my dreams was something on my bucket list, going out in style would be my pleasure.

I was petrified but also happy, my day has come, everyday I wake up thinking...

What is my purpose on this earth? There's no hope for delusional people like me... so should I cling to life? Or should I just kill myself?

"Aye! Wake up! Vro she's not waking up!" I heard a voice in the far distance.

My dumb ass responded "God? is that you?" As I was slowly gaining consciousness, my eyes opened; I was staring at the baby blue calm sky that was scattered in cumulus white clouds, them fuckers look soft as shit to be honest.

I tried to move my eyes somewhere else, but that hurt like hell, it felt like my mother slapped me in the face with her shoes for talking back.

I gave up, my eyes closed again, then I heard that voice, now I'm not the smartest but that "God" person sound ghetto as fuck, his voice sound like he been smoking ten packs of cancer sticks.

Out of nowhere, I felt my entire body go into shock, it felt as if I went scuba diving in Antarctica. I guess that "God" person was trying to revive me, he threw ice water on me.

What is this, 2014? We're doing the ice bucket challenge now?

Or did I manage to go back in time? "Shut up, you dumbass," the voice of my other entity boomed through my mind.

"What the-" I jumped, as I felt like I was falling after waking up from some weird dream. As I looked around, I was in sociology class, but it wasn't that confusing lesson where the teacher makes us take out our text books and look up fuck ass sociologists I've never heard of.

By the way, how did the person that invented sociology come up with it? And how do we know he's right?

Enough of that, the crazy thing is I woke up sitting in my chair, resting on an antique ash wood desk that look like it been around since 18 BC.

It was engraved with writings from students I guess, mostly saying "help", "get me the fuck out of here."

Wait... they knew cuss words back then? lol

What really stood out was a cursive handwriting which looked like it was engraved in a fine-point pen with red ink.

It was a quote that said "what is real will prosper."

At the time I'm like "okay boomer." After reading the mysterious quote, I got up and scanned my surroundings, but there really wasn't anything to scan.

I stood 5ft 9 inches tall from the ground in a room with poor lighting, but I eat carrots so ya girl got 20/20 vision. Even though its darker than a gorillas ass up in here, I can see a bit.

As I slowly shifted my eyes I could spot small cracks in the grey incapacitated wall with century old paint pealing off of it. As my eyes went a few inches down, scanning the corners of the room, hoping to find a key of some sort so I can escape this freaking jail cell, there were cob webs, mold and dust littered everywhere.

I decided to walk alongside the wall, dragging my hand on it in attempt to find a door, I walked in a square route three times before I spotted something that caught my attention. It was a pool of water on the ceiling with Chinese koi fish swimming in it.

"What in the Alice in Wonderland type shit is going on?"

I jumped with my right hand sticking out, trying to touch the water, but when I did, my hands remained in the dry and ashy state they were in.

"Is this a dream?" I whispered to myself.

I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I instantly froze, I couldn't think of anyone that could be here right now, I finally built up the courage to turn. I'm a boss bitch and I fear no man that bleeds the same as me.
And that's on periodt

As I slowly spun on my heel, I came face to face with a boy, "Damn, he a whole snack!" I thought.

"Thank you." He replied, his semi-deep voice echoing through the room.

"Wait, he can hear my thoughts?"

He was taller than me, maybe 6'11, and was wearing a black cloak.

Okay, Michael Jordan I see you.

He had 4c textured hair but in the form of dreads that were dyed in a blue-purple colour, and had a freshly done trim, my boy was looking fresh as hell.

His eyes were like the bottom of the ocean but they were brown, they looked like they held a story, one with so much meaning, you could get lost looking into them. Like, he would snatch your soul with in one gaze, he would make you confess all your sins just by looking in his eyes.

That's how mesmerising they were.

"Who are you?" I asked as my voice cracked.

Bro, am I scared? I fight people. Why am I scared?

"That isn't relevant" He answered.

"At least tell me your name." I asked, trying to sound like I'm not shitting my pants.


That's all he said until he vanished into thin air, but there was a note laying on the floor, in the same spot he was standing.

I slowly picked it up, not wanting it to turn into dust or something because everything in here old as fuck.

"Pay attention to your surroundings, your life is right in front of you, everything you want and need to survive in this world is right in front you. What you are is what you attract, evolution is important in order to reach your final form."

- Shinigami.

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