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What's the difference between living and being alive?

I woke up in the hospital, all alone in an empty room with nothing but machines, needles and an IV stand connected to my right forearm which looked limp and veiny like a sugar daddy's dick. 😐

I was left laying in bed miserable, slowly being eaten alive by  pain and disturbing thoughts. When suddenly the door swung open, revealing a middle aged Native American doctor.

"Great you're awake" he spoke, his voice bouncing off the plain walls of the room like a deflaiting balloon. "My name is Doctor Corey Johnson, but you can call me Doctor Johnson".

He introduced himself, whilst I looked at him with an emotionless face staring him up and down, taking a full scan at his appearance.

"Are you still unable to speak?" he asked whilst I did nothing but look into his dark grey eyes hoping he'd see how much I wanted to end my life just by looking into mine.

"Okay then, I'll take that as a no"

"Well, we still don't know your name or have any personal information about you, I'll let my nurses come in to run some test on you, see how you're holding up after that operation you just had.

Hopefully in the near future given a couple days time you will be able to speak, and we can start from there". That's all he said before leaving me alone again.

After he left the room, I became annoyed by the sound of my heart monitor constantly beeping.
So I got up and started opening the cabinets to see what kinda stuff they keep in there.

( is it just me or does everyone else do that?)

That didn't take long before I was bored again. So my inner voice was my only form of entertainment, I began to ask myself questions like....

"I wonder who knows I'm here, or if anyone came to see me already". When I know damn well my family don't fuck with me, either they abandoned me or I abandoned them, I don't really care at this point I'm as good as dead for all I know.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by the door being swung open again and a gush of commotion came rushing in like a river breaking its banks. Making my ears blast with white noise and my eyes jolted open, only to be met with that boy with the half dyed dreads and his friends I'm guessing.

What the fuck! who is he? why is he here?

He just stood in the door frame staring at me with expressionless black eyes and his right hand sticking out blocking the rest of the people who were with him from coming in.

" Yo stay outchea imma take a sec just let me talk to her" he said and they all nodded going down the hall.

"How are you?" he asked.

Well sir, does having needles, wires and a fucking IV stand attached to me looks like I'm fine?" I'm having the time of my life" I sarcastically replied in my head.

He softly closed the door behind him and sat in the chair that was placed next to my bed.

Well come in then. No manners headass.

We sat in silence until he spoke up, "You know I saved you right".

Saved me? *soulja boy voice*

What the fuck is he talking about, I'm becoming very frustrated with people not being specific and elaborate when they say things like that. I just laid there acting paralysed staring at him with a bored/ clueless expression.

"What you afraid of me or something?"

No you dipshit, I can't freaking speak, I mentally replied as if he can hear me.

Somehow I gathered enough strength to point at my throat, it literally took every fibre in me to do that and if he doesn't get the hint lets just hope I don't lose my patience.

"Oh you can't speak, why didn't you just say that " Is this nigga deranged or some shit?

I just rolled my eyes at him cause he's acting like boo boo the fool right now. I bet he didn't even make it to third grade.

" Ouuu got an attitude I see. You know? this isn't the type of appreciation I was expecting from someone whose life I just saved".

That's all he said before he stood up, fixed himself and had the audacity to take his crusty ass finger and nudge my head with it, then walked out.

I know you fucking lying!!

This boy did not just nudge my head for "allegedly" saving my life and not showing appreciation then walk out the door without even leaving his name.

This hospital has to be in the hood cause this is fucking unacceptable, he could've killed me. Like put a freaking pillow over my head and suffocate my useless ass.

What kind of lifetime shit is this?

You know what forget this, I bet its another one of my dreams so I'm not sweating it to much.

Hopefully it is really a dream tho.

The next morning I woke up groaning, I had a terrible headache, my eyes felt like they were ready to jump out my head. I could literally feel my brain pounding my skull.

I couldn't take the pain so I tried reaching the call bell that signals the nurses that I need help.

HOLD THE FUCK UP!! why would I need nurses unless....

Bro I'm really still in the hospital? all that series of unfortunate events really happened? when will this end?

"Oh great she's up" a nurse said as she entered the room. "what do you need dear?" she asked looking really concerned.

Uhm I have a headache and its really bad, can you close the blinds the light is hurting my eyes. I said nonchalantly.

HOLLY SHIT I CAN SPEAK! I shouted not believing this.

I guess I spoke to loud because the nurse startled, staring at me with a surprising face as if I started speaking in tongues.

"Well that's just great dear, ill get the doctor right this instance" she said after running out the room. About five minutes later Doctor Johnson came speed walking into the room,

"Is it true that you can speak now?"

He eagerly asked sounding like a kid. I remained silent, not that I wanted to make the nurse sound like a liar, my throat started burning like I drank a bath tub of acid.

In response to his question I shook my head in a yes motion.

"Well..... say something then?"

I tried, believe me I did but when the first word that came out my mouth sounded like Kat Williams inhaled helium and ate crack for breakfast.

I couldn't put myself through that type of shame so I motioned for them to get a note pad and a pen so that I could communicate with them.

As soon as I got what I requested  immediately asked for some food cause my fat ass was starving.

Then the doctor broke the news that I can't t use my voice because my oesophagus was partially deteriorated so I have to be fed through IV drops until my throat gets strong enough to swallow food and that D! okay just food.

My next question was who had come to see me, the only answer they gave was "X".

I couldn't write anymore because the pages ran out and with that they left the room. I tried so hard to remember if I knew anyone named "X" but nothing rang a bell. I spent the rest of the day crying and questioning my existence.

"Why am I so pathetic, what did I do to have this kind of life? Why cant I just die already, I freaking hate it here. The voices in my head are driving me insane".

INTO THE UNKNOWN. XXXTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon