Part 2

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"If death is what it seems why is it so vividly portrayed within my dreams"?

(Earlier That Day / Rita's P.O.V)

It's been two days since I last slept, my mind is in a constant battle with my thoughts and heart. I'm slowly self-destructing but I can't let the kids see me this way even though I know Jah sees right through me. He's literally my twin, I love him so much but don't know how to show it. He and Aiden means the world to me I would give my life up for them, it's my fault we ended up like this I couldn't be the mother they deserved  and I know Jah hates me for it.

In the corner of my eye I could see my husband slowly waking up. He truly disgusts me, I feel sick just thinking about him. "What the fuck you looking at"? Those were the first words he says to me after opening his eyes.  He speaks to me like I'm not human, like I don't have feelings and I'm not the mother of his children.  I honestly don't know what I did to deserve a life like this, sometimes I think that God is punishing me for the things I've done and the things I continue to do. There's no way I'm getting out of the is misery alive.

Completely ignoring him I got up to go to the kitchen and  make myself some coffee. As I sat at the table  alone, the silence became loud, my mind started drifting off and I was in a state of day dreaming.
Suddenly I heard crying, I knew it was Aiden and he's probably having trouble getting out of bed. So I drunk the rest of the coffee and went to see if he was okay. Nothing in the world could've prepared me for what I was about to be met with.

As I approached the top of the stairs I could heard Aiden. "S-stop you're hurting me, d-daddy please stop you're hurting me". He sounded so scared, my heart broke just by hearing his voice.  I know my husband is abusive to me but n-not this, I won't allow it! I saw him pinning  Aiden's petit fragile body on the bed  with his boxers down to his ankles. "What the fuck is this"! I screamed so loud I thought my vocal cords would rip. He instantly froze not knowing what to do, Aiden kept crying so I grabbed him off the bed into a huge hug. He's body was trembling in my arms, "baby I'm so sorry" I kept whispering in his ear. I took him to his room and closed the door.

After that I stormed over to where my husband was, my fist were balled up and I could feel my blood boiling. Stomping my feet whilst walking, no words could describe the anger I feel right now. "What the hell did you do to him, what kind of sick person are you"?! I stood there with my chest rising and falling as I took deep breath's. Before I could say anything thing else, he shoves me onto the bed pinning me with one of his hands as the other traveled down my body. "G-get the fuck off me"!  I quivered, it didn't take him long before he ripped my underwear right off me.

"Stop you sick bastard"! He roughly spread my legs open shoving hisself into me, I started crying not because of what this man was doing to me but because I know that Aiden can hear what's going on next door and he's scared. "Stay still, you know you want this" he said pounding me harder with each disgusting stroke.  Soon after I felt him slide out of me and I was met with a warm liquid running down my thighs. I thought we were done so I tried escaping and he grabbed me by my clothes.  " We not done yet bitch, I got sum for your crazy ass." He took his belt and tightly tied my left hand to the head of the bed. "L-let me go you've done enough" I said hoping that he'd pity me. I was relieved when he got up, but it wasn't to untie me, he went into the closet and came out with three cable ties and a cloth. 

He tied my legs and arm then he covered my mouth with the cloth. His demeanour  changed into something evil like he was possessed or took the personality of a killer, I've never seen this side of him before and it really started to scared me.  "Look at you. Worthless, disgusting, delusional,  fucking drug addict of a mother" he slurred this hurtful words to me, his voice full of bass.

"Now what example you gon set for them kids huh? they hate you with every fibre in them. Can't you see that? You'll never be worthy of their love, they'll never call you their mother anywhere outside this house." "I honestly feel sorry for you Rita, so you know what, I'll put you out of your misery. Make life a lil easier for them kids, I'll show them what it's like to have a real parent, one who truly cares for them." 

"Just kidding!" he says  smiling in a high pitch childish voice tilting his head. What the fuck? does this man have undiagnosed multiple personality disorder or something?  I asked myself in utter disbelief . He left the room and went to the bathroom I'm guessing. As I was alone I yanked my hand with full strength hoping it would break the cable tie but it didn't work. There was  no room for me to move, I couldn't feel my arms and legs after a while they became purple. The door barged in revealing him standing in the frame with a gun  swinging in his hands like it's a toy.

"L-look what I found mommy, it's a water gun!" He says excitedly still smiling and sounding like a four year old. " Wanna play with me? Please play with me mama, if you don't I'll cry and daddy will be mad" He looks at me with pleading eyes "🥺"  so I thought I'd be smart and go along with it if I wanted to escape. "Okay baby, but first you have to help untie mama so she can play with you" I said hoping he would actually help.

Luckily there was a pair of scissors on the bed side table, he grabbed it and cut the cable tie off my left hand. "Okay good, now hurry  get the other hand" I said relieved I was getting out of here. As he was about to cut my right hand loose he angrily flew the scissors onto the floor. "So you tried to trick me bitch!?" He screamed at me in his normal voice, I knew he was back and I was done for. 

"You mother fucker!!" I muffled with rage into the cloth. He roughly grabbed my hand and placed the gun in it pointing it to me head. "N-no" I cried muffled tears with my eyes closed shut whilst trying to move my  head away.  He sniffs and says "It's time for you to go".

"Mommy!!" I heard a voice in the distance.

And before my eyes could open he pulled the trigger. 

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