Note 4

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Someone whom I didn't recognize at all, pushed me away from the street and fell onto the ground unconscious. And somehow, the world around me went blank.

"Eve! Eve! My daughter! Wake up, please!"
I hear my mom's voice.
I tried to speak... but I couldn't, I tried to open my eyes — but I couldn't do that either. What's happening? I'm awake through!
I hear someone walk in.
"Hello, are you Evelyn Li's mother?"
She sobs, "Yes, yes I am. Is Eve going to be okay?"
"Unfortunately, Evelyn is undergoing a massive brain damage from the fact that she got pushed over, head first onto the ground. So, that explains the coma that she is going through at this moment. I am sorry for telling you this... but — your daughter has a twenty-six percent chance of waking up."
"Wait — what?"
I can feel her hand shaking as she grabbed my hand.
"Again, Ms. Li I'm so sorry..."
"Okay, please give me a minute."
"Alright take your time please."
Her voice — the voice that relaxed me... even in the worst situations calmed me down once more.
"Evelyn — I know you can hear me. I know your still there. I believe that your a fighter. You can do this. We can both get through this... I love you, more than anything."
I love you too, Mom. I'm sorry for everything I did...
"The boy who pushed you away from the street, is undergoing surgery... he is in critical condition. I want to thank him for saving you. But there's no way I can do that... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

I can feel her tears dropping onto my arm... how much I wanted to hug her and tell her that I'm okay. And that I'm fine. How much I wanted to tell her that I love her more than anything in this world, but I couldn't.

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