Note 5

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First — I tried to move my eyes. But it didn't even twitch. All I hoped was someone who could see my little movements — to notice that I'm actually alive. But there was nobody... no one to even care to take a look at me.

But suddenly, I felt a hand that felt nothing like my parents or my friends. It was warm and kind of soft in a way.

"Evelyn Li — it's me, the person who saved you. I don't know how I managed to stay alive... but I do know that you can get through this and wake up. I know you're still there. Oh wait! That's right, I forgot to introduce myself! My name's Leo — Leo Kai. Nice to meet you."

He... knows that I'm alive — but how? I didn't move at all... how is this possible?

Leo Kai. That name sounds familiar... But — how did he survive that? He was the one who was hit by the car. I don't get how he still lived.

"Evelyn — your name sounds familiar..."
I tried to open my mouth to say, 'Your name sounds familiar too' but I just couldn't open it. Couldn't even move it. I tried moving my hand and—

"Evelyn! You're awake! Oh my god. Nurse! Nurse!"
Another person comes in.
"Hello, what happened?"
"S-she was twitching her hand. I felt it! She's alive!"
"That's amazing. I'm glad. I'll ask the doctor to come in here to run some tests on her. For now, please leave this room."
"Thank you, nurse"
"You're very welcome"

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