Dimetrodon .v. Inostrancevia

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After the arthropods fell, the vertebrates took over and produced real monsters. The most famous were dimetrodon and inostrancevia, before the dinosaurs took over. These two may have been similar, but if they met, a brutal confrontation would infer.

Inostrancevia advantages:
More advanced
More intelligent
Stronger bite
Tougher skin?

Dimetrodon advantages:
More fighting experience?

Battle scenario time!
The dimetrodon couldn't see plants for miles around. Just a sandstorm heading for him. Wait! A sandstorm! The dimetrodon was brushed into a knockout. When he awoke, he was still in the desert, but he could smell blood and an inostrancevia was standing in front of him. The predator approached. Then the dimetrodon jumped up and looked around. It ran forward and bit his leg. He couldn't run fluently now, just awkwardly. He dragged his leg towards some roots. Then the inostrancevia bit the skin protecting his heart. His insides came spilling out. Inostrancevia wins, fatality!

Verdict: I think inostrancevia has a 57 percent chance of winning. Its just too fast, strong and advanced for the dimetrodon to handle.

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