Ambulocetus .v. Pakicetus

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During the Eocene, two predatory whales terrorised the swamps of Eocene earth (This is the early Eocene, basilosaurus came later on). These could still walk on land, but only awkwardly. Meet ambulocetus and pakicetus.

Ambulocetus advantages:
I don't know enough

Pakicetus advantages:
I'm sure they will be similar to ambulocetus.

Battle scenario time!
The pakicetus had swam upstream into a swamp. Not very ideal for the species who lives on a beach, but, hey? Then a bite fell onto his tail. He turned around and ambulocetus was attacking him, there. He bit the ambulocetus but it got up its legs and bit it too. It was a constant cycle. Then, pakicetus caught a propaleotherium but ambulocetus jumped up and ate it. The ambulocetus zoomed in and bit pakicetus again, before it retreated to the oceans. Ambulocetus wins!

Verdict: I think ambulocetus was a lot faster so it would have hardly trouble in this, but any scenario could happen.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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