Chapter 3 • Geralt Of Rivia

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   "What do we do, Garrison?" Anaya said, unable to think clearly as the Witcher approached them

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"What do we do, Garrison?" Anaya said, unable to think clearly as the Witcher approached them. She'd heard tales of men like this and what they were capable of, tales that were used to get her to behave as a child, but naturally, as she matured she'd outgrown them. However, now that she was seeing one up close, seeing one of her nightmares up close, all reason had escaped her and all she could do was watch as her demise neared her.

"Maybe he doesn't know who you are," Garrison said.

"Princess Anaya," the Witcher said, his voice a low growl.

"Shit, nevermind."

"Do you know why I am here?" The Witcher said, stopping just before her. As she looked into his crimson eyes she felt as though she was staring at death. He hadn't killed her yet, that was a good sign, but there was something about him she couldn't shake. It wasn't that he was a Witcher, there was something else, another darkness.

"Queen Vaires," Anaya paused to allow Garrison to spit. After he'd finished, she continued, "she wants me dead."

"Do you know why?"

"She wants my crown," Anaya said, confused as to why the Witcher was asking her questions. She'd always been told men like him were ruthless, that they killed without mercy and did not question their bounty. So, what was he doing?

"She claims you're a woman of Lilit."

"A what?" Anaya said. She'd never heard of such a thing, but judging from the look Garrison was giving her she knew it wasn't good.

"Born around the Black Sun,
daughters of all and yet none,
bearing royal blood and golden crowns,
sixty women of Lilit the river valleys they will drown,
with blood of hell
that will strike the final bell
and give rise to the demon goddess Lilit," Garrison recited.

"You were born during the eclipse, you're of royal blood, I watched what you can do," the Witcher said, reaching behind him and drawing his sword. Anaya's eyes widened, he'd been watching them this whole time. He'd seen her use her magic. "The Queen is claiming you are one of the sixty women of Lilit who will bring ruin to the world, who will bring forth the end."

Anaya couldn't believe this. She was being accused of something she didn't even know existed, for something that sounded like a myth. She was going to die for something she hadn't even done, nor would ever do. Bring forth the end? Give rise to a demon? That wasn't her. They had it all wrong. Yes, she was born during an eclipse; yes, she was of royal blood; yes, she possessed magic, but she'd never purposely harm anyone.

Suddenly, Garrison stepped forth in front of Anaya to speak directly to the Witcher. "Witcher, I assure you I know what you speak of, I know of the danger and severity of allowing a woman of Lilit to live. However, from what I have seen, this woman is not one of those monsters you speak of."

"How can you be sure?" the Witcher said.

"She saved me from being killed for no reason other than that her moral compass would not allow it, and if you've been watching, you saw what she did here. She let that man go because she couldn't kill him, knowing that he'd come back to try again. A woman of Lilit is destructive, chaotic, untrustworthy, all of which Anaya is not. She is kind and caring, but not the woman you are looking for."

Anaya looked at Garrison, surprised he'd helped her out, but even more surprised he'd said kind things about her. She gave him a small, thankful smile which he returned with one of his own.

"The Queen wants my crown to rule the kingdom as her own. My birthday is approaching and once I become of age, the crown is rightfully mine. She knows that. She also knows I am the only one standing in her way from getting what she wants, that is why she wants to kill me. I'm afraid if she succeeds, she will bring ruin to the kingdom," Anaya said. "I ran because she tried to kill me herself. I ran and went into hiding to survive long enough until I come of age to inherit the kingdom and claim my crown."

"You never told me that," Garrison said.

"Well, you were too busy drinking," Anaya said.

"You'd think with a story like that you'd be more persistent."

"As you said, I'm kind."

"More like idiotic."

"Enough," the Witcher said. "I will not kill you, princess. I believe your story."

"Thank you," Anaya sighed in relief.

"I will protect you until you come of age and can reclaim your crown. However, you must promise me something in return."

"Go on," Anaya said, but she already knew her answer. To be protected by a Witcher ensured her survival. There was no one better to protect her.

"You must promise me that when you become Queen, you will never use your magic again."

"Magic? You have magic?" Garrison said.

"Why?" Anaya said, ignoring Garrison.

"You may not be destructive and chaotic yet, but I don't trust that you'll never be. I know better than to place a Queen with magic like yours upon a throne," the Witcher said. "Do we have a deal?"

Anaya looked down at her hands and wondered if it was worth it. She wouldn't be giving up something she relied heavily on or something she was even skillful at, she'd been forced to hide her gift from judging eyes all her life. Still, it was an important part of herself, something that always kept her strong in horrific situations, something she knew would always be there if all else fell apart. Closing her eyes, she came to a decision. Her kingdom was more important, her people were more important. She wouldn't succumb to power like the others, she would become the best ruler she could be and bring happiness to her people.

"I promise that once I am Queen, I will never use my magic again," Anaya said.

"Then we have a deal," the Witcher said, holding out his gloved hand. "I am Geralt of Rivia and I will protect you, princess."

"You may call me, Aya, " she said, taking his hand and shaking it. As they looked into each other's eyes, she felt the same darkness she had when she'd first seen him. He would protect her, she didn't doubt that, but there was something else lurking deep inside the pit of her stomach that made her want to run. She didn't know what it was, but it was there and it wouldn't fade.

"What am I? Invisible?" Garrison said, pushing her hand away to shake the Witcher's hand.

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