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In the house of two sisters, mother and father, the older sibling, Eve, took her own small space in her office located in the small room she shared with her sister.

She had the package fissured that she spent all her savings on just for the sake of her entertainment or rather something to do in her life phenomenal to where it lies right now.

She wasn't aware where it was going to lead her but the thought of tiny changes taking over her daily routine will perhaps help her notion into life with amended colors.

She held the clean expensive camera so carefully like a newborn baby between her hands.

It wasn't as if she was ever intrigued in photography, it was more of her attempting to find the bright sides in life and opine it with more positivity, since it hasn't been at it's best to her as it was supposed to be. Art was suggested until she found herself barely being able to step out of the house without her small pastel pink painted Polaroid camera in her hand or hanging on her shoulder by the strap, and now that it'd be replaced with the new, larger and superior of quality camera, regretting is better than remaining unimproved.

A sigh heaved with a smile creeping with the muscles stretching despite the corners being still without lifting them up. She used her left hand to take a sip from her reusable straw of the iced latte she kept there until the glass proceeded to sweat, while the new camera was placed on the table next to the old one.

Hearing her mother bidding her from downstairs to have lunch, she stood off, leaving everything on the surface besides grabbing the empty glass of her drink she emptied.

Taking her steps down the stairs, she leapt on the second last stair to scoot towards her mother into the kitchen while squealing on her way.

Her mother understood the reason behind her unusual awoke demeanor since she was the one who called her to get her package.

"You're happy?" A question emitted her mother's simpering tiers while eyeing her daughter from the corner of her eyes while collecting the utensils, handing them to the latter to haul them to the dinning table.

She couldn't help but to squeal again with a quick nod, trying to convey the message to her mother how much she wanted it since her mother wasn't slightly approved with the idea of her to spend all her savings on a camera and now that she went broke.

Nonetheless, her mother was satisfied enough with her daughter's happiness and it didn't matter that much to her after all since the elder believed that sustenance comes naturally to a believer if she's willing to try.

Finally after her sister stepped down the stairs, the three of them seated on the table and proceeded to dig in.


She ran back to her bedroom after washing her hands to grab the new camera off the table between her hands carefully, and returned down the stairs to rush out in excitement after informing her mother that she was going around the town to try her new camera.

She prepared her device, checked the lenses and went to wander around the streets, parks, narrow alleyways, and lastly the ones she wasn't very fond of, crowded places.

As much as she despised being surrounded by individuals that in her head seemed as if they didn't have any member besides eyes judging even the hidden strand of her hair, she had to gather her courage to get photographs of what she believed in; aesthetics.

Which could be seen by the naked eye on the streets of London.

She took shots of the road, buildings, shops, benches, people, stalls, tele boxes, even litter bins.

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