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Eve was taken to the cafeteria, the same one they had their first encounter or at least somewhere along.

It happened when she was offered or rather ordered to escort him there after she finished her day at the university. She wasn't even prepared beforehand so she had to give her mother a call, except that, he refused. He seemed to oppose the idea of her parents having knowledge about their meet up.

She frankly couldn't comprehend his demeanor. He shouldn't be against their awareness.

She couldn't just not think about the fact that he has registered his number among her contacts before informing her that they need to meet. All she could assume is that capturing him back in physics lab is the reason besides their encounter and honestly she could see the reasoning when she digs through it.

But still, she was still afraid of what he's possibly planning, because this whole indirect way of connecting with her in such a dubious manner, it's natural for her to be cautious.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"Why are we here?"

"What. Do. You. Wanna. Eat?"

His tone stern with a single brow lifted when he glanced up at her after averting his gaze from the menu to her face as he received the unwanted response and apparently her behavior when Eve was seated, eyeing him with a grimace while both her arms folded against her chest.

Her eyes rolled to the side followed by a sigh heaving off her parted lips as she surrendered. She has been staring at him this whole time when he pretended as if the occurrence was natural and she's being cautious for literally nothing.

She rested her jaw on the heel of her palm when her other hand unfolded the menu open to scan every dish, and since she was positive she'll be having dinner when she gets home, she just went for macrons and latte.

He seemed to be delighted by her choice, given the idea he wouldn't be the only person munching on his chocolate cake slice or sipping on his Americano alone.

"You probably didn't know but there are consequences."

"I fucking knew it."

She has foreseen it, so being bumped about it is far from happening, except that, she'd still be anxious at some point. After the order was given, he preserved tranquility for sometimes while roving his eyes around rather leisurely until he finally decided to break through the silence, leading her to respond so promptly as if she has been prepared for the answer prior.

His brows flinched upright by her tone and the choice of words and although he'd usually scold her for misbehavior, this time, he just observed her furious expression with a smirk plastered on his lips.

She pressed on her lips with the knuckles of her digits when her hand formed a fist, and after another expanded duration of their taciturnity, she mumbled. "How badly is it?"

His lips stretched to a wider simper when he replied in a hum. "Depends on you, I suppose."

"Seriously, Baekhyun, do you punish every person who catches you having sex or someway, you're enjoying my company?"

At this point, the male was more astonished. By her question, again, her choice of words and finally by the fact that she just addressed him by his name instead of professor, and it alone forced out a scoff of ridicule.

"I mean.. somehow both?" He was lost in words when his tone hinted a dazzle. He could feel himself stuttering internally, which forced another scoff to emit since he was reached to some level of stun. After witnessing her exclamatory look when she realized he had a positive response to the latter, as well, he added when his fingers dug through the strands of his well done hair until he slightly messed it. "You really are something, though." He uttered under the brief chuckle that escaped along his words proving how flabbergasted he was.

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